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Full Version: Yall win. I'm out.
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We never really talked but from what I've seen, you're a nice and positive guy.

Take care Jokhah, good luck in whatever you end up doing. Best of wishes to you and your family.
It's a shame to see you go, it was always fun talking to you about random stuff, whether it be to do with Limelight or America.

Take care, I hope that you will come back to the community one day! I wish you and your family the best of luck Smile
I’m gonna be blunt. You come on too strong. You have enthusiasm and that’s great, but you stick to your guns when it isn’t needed. Such as the whole report/feedback thing. You fought against some bureaucratic process for semantics and whilst yes you were RIGHT that it isn’t a bug it’s an error, it’s not always about being right. Sometimes it’s easier just to give in on petty arguments.

Another reason why you were unpopular was that you lashed out at the permed players. You took it a bit far and then you forgot that everyone treats them like a village idiot anyway.

Shame to see you go, you had good ideas but you take things to heart quite easily.
(Aug 17, 2019, 08:34 PM)Jokhah Wrote: [ -> ]

To Zaid more specifically, get unbanned and act right man.  People who threatened to DDoS or otherwise hack the services have made recoveries and rejoined the ranks.  You can too.

Appreciate it mate! I'll try my best too, hopefully, next time you are on we will meet in-game! until then farewell sir. Smile

And now reading the thread fully I'm sure nobody wants you gone, and if they do its most likely people who don't really have an impact on LL or just trolls in general *Cough* Perhaps it was just misunderstandings between you and others during a certain topic. Anyway, I'm sure you'll return to Limelight, Goodbye and take care of yourself and the family!
(Aug 17, 2019, 06:48 PM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]I mean, you've been calling people sensitive snowflakes, SJWs, etc over disagreeing of opinions but get upset because you get called a boomer or a communist? interesting. 

Anyways, cheerio old sport. Safe travels

I think it's interesting that staff can come down on me for doing what I did, but get away with doing it themselves and allowing their friends to do it.  People used to complain about that, but I suppose it's the norm now.  One way rule system.

Good luck.
(Aug 17, 2019, 11:40 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]I’m gonna be blunt. You come on too strong. You have enthusiasm and that’s great, but you stick to your guns when it isn’t needed. Such as the whole report/feedback thing. You fought against some bureaucratic process for semantics and whilst yes you were RIGHT that it isn’t a bug it’s an error, it’s not always about being right. Sometimes it’s easier just to give in on petty arguments.

Another reason why you were unpopular was that you lashed out at the permed players. You took it a bit far and then you forgot that everyone treats them like a village idiot anyway.

Shame to see you go, you had good ideas but you take things to heart quite easily.

I wasn't fighting against a bureaucratic process.  I was providing feedback and people wanted me to do their work for them.  I don't work here man.  Why have a feedback section at all if all they want to do is tell us to generate reports.  The excuse of "this is for feedback on patches" is wrong.  Check the pinned message on that section.  Clearly states to provide feedback to the development team.  Also, why are so many non-development/contributors up in there trying to redirect me?  I mean if they were so concerned with missing information, maybe they wouldn't spam bot commands in that channel like it was going out of style.

As for lashing out on the permed players, that is only half right.  I lashed out at the permed players who troll here for lulz.  But now you can enjoy their company without my complaints. I never understood why yall were so steadfast to defend the perms that come on to troll, but I think now I get it.  You'd rather have them than have someone who points out that "the internet" really isn't an excuse.

I did take things to heart, because unlike 99.9% of yall, I had a reason.  My daughter.  I wake up every morning, see her, and am reminded of what this place did to help her.  That is something most of you will never understand.

Good luck Monty.  I know you're a good dude.

Thanks for your nice words and best of luck to yall as well.

Reported you for violating forum rules.  Enjoy.
We never really had much interaction but I honestly believe you had good intentions for this Community and that's all that matters.

Wish you and your family the best of luck going forward. Have a good one.
(Aug 18, 2019, 12:38 AM)Jokhah Wrote: [ -> ]

Reported you for violating forum rules.  Enjoy.

i was just joking bro cya
cya bucko

I really did.  Just sometimes that is hard to see for some.

Take care and best of luck.  The community needs ya.

Later on Hungames.  Best of luck man.  You know how to find me if you ever wanna talk, not that we really do that or anything.
Take care Jokhah. All the best for you and your family. 

Keep in touch buddy!

Thanks man, will do.  I'll stay attached to the LL discord so you can hit me up via pm on there.  Discord is one of the easier ways to contact me.

To the community:  This will be my last reply to this thread.  Best wishes and good luck.

‍ Leave me on the roster.  If something goes down, I'll reappear at your request to assist yourself or the S.A.A..


Good luck in the future bud.
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