Aug 7, 2019, 08:12 PM
Reported Players: Isaaac (STEAM_0:1:63814299)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-07 17:54
Summary: I was looking for someone when I came across these lads, After Talking for a bit they came back and broke NLR, Both of them With AR-15s. And upon confrontation said 'i can't help spawning there'
Other Involved: STEAM_0:0:86864807 (Wont Let me put in SteamId section)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-07 17:54
Summary: I was looking for someone when I came across these lads, After Talking for a bit they came back and broke NLR, Both of them With AR-15s. And upon confrontation said 'i can't help spawning there'
Other Involved: STEAM_0:0:86864807 (Wont Let me put in SteamId section)