I mean - Apex is correct. Its simply is for vengeance/revenge, malice, trolling or just to cause tension or for personal grudges.
It is a shame - but it's difficult to address because PR's are important when it comes to either not having admins online, for evidence purposes or if staff don't respond.
Speaking honestly here, I was one of those pricks that made very petty PRs 2+ years ago. I felt as if I was doing a service to the community. I saw staff doing the same thing, punishing people for very small offenses, so I thought that is what they wanted the community to be doing. I stopped doing that as I became more comfortable with pushing the rules myself.
Currently, I think it may be partially caused by the overwhelming and very 'strict' rules. When I started playing Limelight, I was scared of the amount of specific rules, so I made sure to be very cautious. It wasn't fun to have to ask myself if I was breaking the rules with every little thing I did. It took hundreds of hours before I became comfortable to relax and know my basic limits. Most players would have become annoyed and leave in that situation, but I luckily persisted and Limelight became a somewhat enjoyable experience.
I think if the rules were more towards setting limits on ruining another player's experience, it would create a much more relaxed environment to which you can enjoy yourself instead of being in constant fear of someone creating a PR against you. Removing the very specific rules would reduce the amount of players that post PRs for the tiniest of rulebreaks that basically don't affect anyone's experience. The idea of guidelines I think would be a good solution to this problem.
I have a recent example when I was baited into a trap as a paramedic. I was held at gunpoint to treat one of the bad guys, and I was then taken hostage. I knew it was against the rules when this happened via 9.1, but I didn't find it wrong. I was questioning reporting it because it was a realistic scenario that I was comfortable saying wasn't negatively affecting my experience, but it was technically against the rules. I chose not to report it, but anyone in my place might have and probably would have; therefore, ruining the bad guys' experience. This would then cause nobody to be happy because the bad guys would get banned or leave because they are angry or upset, and the medic would lose future opportunities for treatments because the balance between police and bad guys may break.
(Aug 1, 2019, 09:37 PM)Monkey Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking honestly here, I was one of those pricks that made very petty PRs 2+ years ago. I felt as if I was doing a service to the community. I saw staff doing the same thing, punishing people for very small offenses, so I thought that is what they wanted the community to be doing. I stopped doing that as I became more comfortable with pushing the rules myself.
Currently, I think it may be partially caused by the overwhelming and very 'strict' rules. When I started playing Limelight, I was scared of the amount of specific rules, so I made sure to be very cautious. It wasn't fun to have to ask myself if I was breaking the rules with every little thing I did. It took hundreds of hours before I became comfortable to relax and know my basic limits. Most players would have become annoyed and leave in that situation, but I luckily persisted and Limelight became a somewhat enjoyable experience.
I think if the rules were more towards setting limits on ruining another player's experience, it would create a much more relaxed environment to which you can enjoy yourself instead of being in constant fear of someone creating a PR against you. Removing the very specific rules would reduce the amount of players that post PRs for the tiniest of rulebreaks that basically don't affect anyone's experience. The idea of guidelines I think would be a good solution to this problem.
I have a recent example when I was baited into a trap as a paramedic. I was held at gunpoint to treat one of the bad guys, and I was then taken hostage. I knew it was against the rules when this happened via 9.1, but I didn't find it wrong. I was questioning reporting it because it was a realistic scenario that I was comfortable saying wasn't negatively affecting my experience, but it was technically against the rules. I chose not to report it, but anyone in my place might have and probably would have; therefore, ruining the bad guys' experience. This would then cause nobody to be happy because the bad guys would get banned or leave because they are angry or upset, and the medic would lose future opportunities for treatments because the balance between police and bad guys may break.
As outlined here and by Gungranny, rules shouldn't get in the way of roleplay. People shouldn't be playing within the confines of a rule minefield that people abuse to catch somebody out when in reality their actions had little to no negative impact on the reporting players experience.
I think a great way to avoid breaking rules when forced is to simply find a reason IC as to why you can’t perform said action. Your paramedic scenario for example. You could easily say “I can’t do my job until the firefight is under control and can grab my gear. All I can do right now is keep him stable.” At which you just heal the character till you can actually heal the player.
(Aug 1, 2019, 10:48 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]I think a great way to avoid breaking rules when forced is to simply find a reason IC as to why you can’t perform said action. Your paramedic scenario for example. You could easily say “I can’t do my job until the firefight is under control and can grab my gear. All I can do right now is keep him stable.” At which you just heal the character till you can actually heal the player.
Then technically you are breaking fear rp.
I suspect this issue will never be resolved until someone somewhere in the staff team takes a good, long hard look at the rules and removes all the useless clutter that's been added because one time someone did one thing that technically went outside the rules.
#fuckrules #guidelinesgang
You really aren't in that scenario. If you're under Fearp and given an order you literally can not go through with (Walking through a wall, breaking another rule, etc.) it has been shown in the past this is neither powergaming or against fearp as your character quite simply can't follow the order even if he WANTED to.
#fuckrules #guidelinesgang
(Aug 2, 2019, 03:37 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]
You really aren't in that scenario. If you're under Fearp and given an order you literally can not go through with (Walking through a wall, breaking another rule, etc.) it has been shown in the past this is neither powergaming or against fearp as your character quite simply can't follow the order even if he WANTED to.
#fuckrules #guidelinesgang
doesn't mean some cuck won't make a PR on you for "Not following orders when under fearrp

(Aug 1, 2019, 12:12 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]Speeding is still a crime even if no one is within a hundred miles of you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time bucko
Well speeding is a minor offence. And do you call the police for everyone you see who
might be speeding on a motorway? Do you call the police when someone is holding a salmon in a suspicious circumstance? Of course you wouldn’t. That’s what many of these PRs are about though, minor, ineffectual offences
(Aug 2, 2019, 06:17 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2019, 12:12 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]Speeding is still a crime even if no one is within a hundred miles of you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time bucko
Well speeding is a minor offence. And do you call the police for everyone you see who might be speeding on a motorway? Do you call the police when someone is holding a salmon in a suspicious circumstance? Of course you wouldn’t. That’s what many of these PRs are about though, minor, ineffectual offences
A minor offence is still an offence.
Less bans more warnings, guidelines FTW over a bazillion outdated rules and concepts
(Aug 2, 2019, 06:18 PM)Ollie630 Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 2, 2019, 06:17 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2019, 12:12 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]Speeding is still a crime even if no one is within a hundred miles of you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time bucko
Well speeding is a minor offence. And do you call the police for everyone you see who might be speeding on a motorway? Do you call the police when someone is holding a salmon in a suspicious circumstance? Of course you wouldn’t. That’s what many of these PRs are about though, minor, ineffectual offences
A minor offence is still an offence.
And therefore people need a permanent black mark on their record for it? That’s like giving someone a criminal record for going 35 in a 30. Instead of trying to have people follow rules to the letter, we should be encouraging fun so that people actually want to return to the server instead of getting banned up to 30 days later for something minor simply because they pissed off someone who got video of them arriving 2 minutes before NLR is through to get their car back because a police officer called them to collect it before it is towed.