Jul 22, 2019, 07:10 PM
I am making a semi-advanced medical addon for Garry's Mod. I was wondering if people would want to help my brain come up with ideas and tweaks.
Here is my original idea document:
Here is my current document:
Through Throw any ideas at me.
^I need help.
If you want to help develop it, reply your discord info.
Here is my original idea document:
Things to keep track of:
-Number of wounds
*each wound adds 4 Bps(Blood per second) to blood loss
-Blood Level
*for blood pressure
*in 1000 units
*in B, Blood
-Blood Pressure
*85%-100% is great
*70-85% is good
*50-70% is ok
*25-50% is bad
*below 25% is very bad
*Calculated by **Blood Level**/**Max Blood Level**
*in %, percentage
*determines whether player is conscious
*in yes or no
*Degenerates 10% every 3 seconds when blood pressure is very bad
*Generates 10% every 3 seconds when blood pressure is great
*slows bleeding of wound by 90%
*6 s to apply
Explanation: When you bandage a wound the bleeding loss of that wound is reduced by 90%.
*increase blood level by 100 B
*increase blood loss for a wound by 2 Bps
*3 s to inject
Explanation: When you use epinephrine, the patient will increase blood level by 100 B but will also increase blood loss for each wound by 2 Bps.
*will make a person conscious if blood pressure is above good or great
*3 s to inject
Explanation: When you use morphine on a unconscious person with a blood pressure good or great they will become conscious.
-Saline IV
*constant morphine
*last 20 s
*no overdose
Explanation: A constant dose of morphine being injected through IV.
-Blood IV
*constant increase in blood level by 25 Bps
*last 10 s
Explanation: A constant increase of blood through IV.
-Surgical Kit
*stop bleeding of a wound
*10 s to apply
Explanation: A surgical kit that will completely stop the bleeding of one wound.
-Blood Pressure Reader
*reads out blood pressure of applied patient
Explanation: A device that constantly reads blood pressure.
-Health Menu
*Use medical supplies on player
*Perform medical actions on player
Explanation: A menu that can be access for every player that allows a medic to perform medical actions.
*performed until moved
*increases blood level by 15 Bps
*performed until moved
*applies pressure to a single wound
*reduces blood loss for that wound by 50%
Here is my current document:
Things to keep track of:
-Number of wounds [Head, Torso, Arms, Legs] DONE
*Head loses 4 Bps
*Torso loses 3 Bps
*Arm and leg loses 2 Bps
-Blood Level DONE
*for blood pressure
*in 1000 units
*in B, Blood
-Blood Pressure DONE
*86%-100% is great
*71-85% is good
*51-70% is ok
*16-50% is bad
*1-15% is very bad
*Calculated by **Blood Level**/**Max Blood Level**
*in %, percentage
-Heart DONE
*stored as whether heart is working or not
*no pulse
*pumps 5 Bps into the body
*75% chance of failure if blood pressure is very bad
*100% chance of failure if blood pressure is 0%
-Consciousness DONE
*Becomes unconscious in bad blood pressure
*determines whether player is conscious
*in yes or no
-Health DONE
*Degenerates by 5% every 4 seconds when blood pressure is very bad
*Generates by 5% every 4 seconds when blood pressure is great
-Bandage DONE
*slows bleeding of wound by 90%
*4 s to apply
Explanation: When you bandage a wound the bleeding loss of that wound is reduced by 90%.
-Epinephrine DONE
*increases the chance of CPR by 25%
*last 20 s
*2 s to inject
Explanation: When you use epinephrine, it adds 25% to your chances of restarting someones heart through CPR.
-Morphine DONE
*undos the effects of surgical kits on player speed
*must have had surgery performed
*2 s to inject
Explanation: When you use morphine, it will remove the limiting speed effects of the surgical kits.
-Blood IV (500 B) WIP
*constant increase in blood level by 25 Bps
Explanation: A constant increase of blood through IV.
-Surgical Kit DONE
*stop bleeding of a wound
*makes patient walk at half of normal speed and prevents running
*8 s to apply
Explanation: A surgical kit that will completely stop the bleeding of one wound.
-Health Menu WIP
*Use medical supplies on player
*Perform medical actions on player
Explanation: A menu that can be access for every player that allows a medic to perform medical actions.
*8 s to apply
*performed to restart the heart
*50% chance
Through Throw any ideas at me.
^I need help.
If you want to help develop it, reply your discord info.