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Full Version: Connection problems after joining
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Good day,

as the title says: Sometimes I get connection problems after joining, it appears to be random. It doesnt happen when there are less than 10 players, because then I can connect without timing out once. Usually when there are 29+ I get once a time out while joining. Sometimes connection problems directly after joining, I can see vehicles, props, players but frozen.
The only fix is to restart the computer.

I dont know what to do since this is a problem which appeared the last 1-2 years.


I've also had a similar issue,
Are you two still supporting these issues?

(7 Days Timeout Post: 24/08/2019)
Got a confirmation from Eddie. Thank you for your DM, mate.

Will keep the thread unlocked for the timeout duration in case Nebula has any further issues.
Moving to archive