Limelight Forums

Full Version: Leaving
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I am going to be leaving limelight until the player count increases. With only Decay and the odd person playing on the server there is nothing to do other than drive in circles or contra farm. As I said I will be back as soon as everyone else is back online and there is a decent player count. I will still be active as usual but not on Limelight.

If you ever want to play anything else i'm right here -> Ollie#9258 

I will be back soon!
That's fair enough bud, see you around then!
Clock is ticking for Limelight.... Seeya around Ollie


rip drunk ems
(Jul 9, 2019, 12:35 PM)Guv Wrote: [ -> ]rip drunk ems

Will miss being banned too
Did you just call me "the odd person playing"