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Full Version: Steam Account Trasnfer
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My Steam account Nimu (Connected to this forum account), was compromised earlier today and ive lost control of it completely, as the adress and two step verification has been changed by the offender.
I would like to know if it is possible  to transfer all my progress from that account to my new account, banning the old one until further notice, and then putting the progress back onto that account and banning my new one if Steam Support comes through and restores my access to my account.
I have Steam Support Tickets to back up this, in case a staff member would like  to see it in private. Id love for this to be resolved so i can play on the server again and id like there to be no misunderstandings as to if im double accounting or something.
Thank you.
Hey Nimu,

From what I have heard from stories from other servers, you should tell HR, and they will transfer your punishments over to the new account however don't quote me on this as I am not staff and could be wrong!

Have a good day,


It doesn't take HR to transfer an account - it can be any administrator.

Please PM me the support tickets confirming Steam acknowledging the account is breached. When you've done this I'll suspend the original account and arrange the transfer.

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