Jun 9, 2019, 11:58 AM
Reported Players: Robert Kubica (STEAM_0:1:98432132)
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Jun-09 09:20
Summary: Video - 1
He had loads of random, giant props spawned all of railway avenue.
He stole my car as I unlocked it, he eventually crashed it into one of his giant props and blew the car up. I asked him for money so I could repair it, he denied that so I pulled and UZI on him and asked for money but he still refused, I then shot him dead.
Video - 2 (STEAM_0:0:206692230)
He and 'I'm called Mav right' both got in my car when I unlocked it after me saying they will be shot, so I did just that and shot him. Eventually he killed me and stole my car with out taking it to a chop shop, he just took it out for a Joy Ride and sold it back to me later on. (of camera-) when a police officer killed me he took my car again and sold it again.
https://youtu.be/HFuXz-8dE8k-Only watch until 5 mins to save time :)
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Jun-09 09:20
Summary: Video - 1
He had loads of random, giant props spawned all of railway avenue.
He stole my car as I unlocked it, he eventually crashed it into one of his giant props and blew the car up. I asked him for money so I could repair it, he denied that so I pulled and UZI on him and asked for money but he still refused, I then shot him dead.
Video - 2 (STEAM_0:0:206692230)
He and 'I'm called Mav right' both got in my car when I unlocked it after me saying they will be shot, so I did just that and shot him. Eventually he killed me and stole my car with out taking it to a chop shop, he just took it out for a Joy Ride and sold it back to me later on. (of camera-) when a police officer killed me he took my car again and sold it again.