I see a thread with like 10 +supports and 3 -supports: It gets declined
then there are threads with 2+supports and 2- supports: Staff review
Uh? What. How does this work I am courius what factors are decding wether a suggestion is declined or under staff review even though (at some suggestions) the community clearly voted for it.
Yeah i get you dude, its confusing AF.
Most suggestion threads go through Staff Review unless it receives around a very large percentage of -support out of a total of votes which I also don't know the number of. Some suggestions are automatically denied due them being large changes being reverted for instance the HUD revert threads we had many months ago. Another example of suggestions getting denied is failing to follow guidelines or even a suggestion that is on the DO NOT suggest thread.
always provides the reasons as to why something is denied. This being from a direct reasons or opinions giving examples from the staff team if it went through the staff review previously.
Democracy isn't a thing here.
ThAnK yOu fOr YoUr SuGgEsTiOn. hOwEvEr, ThE dEveLoPmEnT teAm hAvE dEteRmInEd ThAt ThE iMpLeMeNtAtiOn oF tHiS sUgGeStiOn WoUlD bE uNfEaSiBlE oR nOnViaBle At teH cUrReNt TiMe, AnD tHuS iT hAs BeEn DeNieD.
(Jun 6, 2019, 02:26 AM)Theo Wrote: [ -> ]ThAnK yOu fOr YoUr SuGgEsTiOn. hOwEvEr, ThE dEveLoPmEnT teAm hAvE dEteRmInEd ThAt ThE iMpLeMeNtAtiOn oF tHiS sUgGeStiOn WoUlD bE uNfEaSiBlE oR nOnViaBle At teH cUrReNt TiMe, AnD tHuS iT hAs BeEn DeNieD.
The message is verbose as fuck.
(Jun 5, 2019, 09:32 PM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Democracy isn't a thing here.
Well yeah, it's a company.
Sure, the staff can ask for community input but at the of the day the staff have the final say in what does and does not happen.
(Jun 8, 2019, 03:13 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 5, 2019, 09:32 PM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Democracy isn't a thing here.
Well yeah, it's a company.
Sure, the staff can ask for community input but at the of the day the staff have the final say in what does and does not happen.
But in the end, the community is funding it?
(Jun 8, 2019, 05:15 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 8, 2019, 03:13 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ] (Jun 5, 2019, 09:32 PM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Democracy isn't a thing here.
Well yeah, it's a company.
Sure, the staff can ask for community input but at the of the day the staff have the final say in what does and does not happen.
But in the end, the community is funding it?
But in the end, its a company and checking the previous month's store purchases, I doubt it is leading to the community funding all services/developer paychecks with £369.07 on the table.
One of the suggestions has already been handled and so it was closed.
The other three all got to staff review, were reviewed by staff and then denied.
Pretty clear?