Jun 1, 2019, 12:42 PM
Your Name: Tom
Ban ID:[font=Roboto, sans-serif]8728[/font]
Banned by: [L²] Night
Server: EU
Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]RDM // You shouldn't kill someone unless you know 100% they were involved. You went off gut feeling, rather than having solid facts for your kill. Probation enforced.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned?: Its been a few months since I got probation enforced, In that time I have read over the rules a few times. The last ban was a Misunderstanding of information on my behalf which led to probation enforced. I thought the police officer talking to me had got a call from the Auto-Shop we robbed (). We said we'd Kill him if he called the Police. When the police pulled us over for 'Robbing people' I assumed it was him. I admit I was wrong and should have had solid evidence before Killing them. Sorry about that.
Other bans cant be played off as accidents I'll be honest. If I'm given the chance to return, I aim to distance myself from Weapons as they seem to always get me in trouble. I am going to try my best to participate in passive RP.
Ban ID:[font=Roboto, sans-serif]8728[/font]
Banned by: [L²] Night
Server: EU
Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]RDM // You shouldn't kill someone unless you know 100% they were involved. You went off gut feeling, rather than having solid facts for your kill. Probation enforced.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned?: Its been a few months since I got probation enforced, In that time I have read over the rules a few times. The last ban was a Misunderstanding of information on my behalf which led to probation enforced. I thought the police officer talking to me had got a call from the Auto-Shop we robbed (
Other bans cant be played off as accidents I'll be honest. If I'm given the chance to return, I aim to distance myself from Weapons as they seem to always get me in trouble. I am going to try my best to participate in passive RP.