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Your Name: Tom

Ban ID:[font=Roboto, sans-serif]8728[/font]

Banned by: [L²] Night

Server:  EU

Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]RDM // You shouldn't kill someone unless you know 100% they were involved. You went off gut feeling, rather than having solid facts for your kill. Probation enforced.[/font]

Why should you be unbanned?:  Its been a few months since I got probation enforced, In that time I have read over the rules a few times. The last ban was a Misunderstanding of information on my behalf which led to probation enforced. I thought the police officer talking to me had got a call from the Auto-Shop we robbed (‍). We said we'd Kill him if he called the Police. When the police pulled us over for 'Robbing people' I assumed it was him. I admit I was wrong and should have had solid evidence before Killing them. Sorry about that.  
Other bans cant be played off as accidents I'll be honest. If I'm given the chance to return, I aim to distance myself from Weapons as they seem to always get me in trouble. I am going to try my best to participate in passive RP.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Tom_.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Hi Tom, sorry for the minor delay.

Speaking to Doc, he's not too fussed in regards to this appeal however I'm kinda concerned about your record here. You've already failed probation and have a total of 51 administrative actions on your record which is quite a lot. Granted most of them originate from 2016 (in fact, over half of them have) but even with the 2016 suspensions out of the way, we're still looking at a total of 24 administrative actions. Each year you've consistently gained suspensions, blacklists and/or warnings.

How can I be sure if I were to let you back, this pattern wouldn't continue?
It was a minimal delay, Don't worry about that 

Whilst I was gone I realized there was more to LL than just shooting Cops etc. Since seeing my Brother playing and Getting Reps etc made me realize there is actually fun to be had in passiverp. I'm going to stay away from any Rps that have the potential to get me Punished
I'll allow you back on the condition that if you violate any AggressiveRP rule where a weapon is used, you will lose your access to Weapons for a period of 12 months. Of course you'd be able to appeal this action if it were to be enforced, I see no other route aside from this seeing how you were quite renowed for your AggressiveRP violations, and if you plan on staying away from Weapons then this shouldn't be a problem.

Do you agree to this?
I agree. Thank you for the second chance

Worth noting here that the above deal will last for 6 months, which the player has agreed to over Steam.