Reported Players: [F.I] Nemesis (STEAM_0:1:3610112) (
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-May-31 21:30
Summary: OOC Insult after I shot him for driving at me threatening my life
Evidence: ![[Image: 7125794307156784CAF9666B0384AA6978B3DE97]](
Yikes, this is extremely petty. It's hardly an insult. It's almost like you called us loopholers on the forums, don't see us posting PRs about that do you.
Quote from Google definitions: "a weak or servile man (often used as a contemptuous term for a man with moderate or progressive political views)."
Not involved, warned. There is basically no valid reason to get involved in a PR regarding insulting. That said, will allow the rest of the posts because Cole got involved in the actual PR with subsequent posts by the OP.
(May 31, 2019, 11:38 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]Yikes, this is extremely petty. It's hardly an insult. It's almost like you called us loopholers on the forums, don't see us posting PRs about that do you.
![[Image: 2c9ac734d1d733b9bf66e78521bf4a38.png]](
Yikes, this is extremely petty. It's hardly an insult. It's almost like you called us loopholers on the forums, don't see us posting PRs about that do you.
I am involved in the player report, before you start trying to get us punished for anything you can. I watched the entire situation which led to the petty "insult".
Now Nem and his mates are kind of doing what I'd describe as harassing behaviour - making strange, obviously aimed comments in OOC and following myself and my friend
around the map (talking about saltiness etc, then Nem going "that's not an insult by the way)
![[Image: 59F6C1E99A6F38FF028019B1643A8F3F25AC840D]](
![[Image: F04E8C952A28CA1A40DA4C0C48304036F1606E91]](
They pulled in behind us at Railway, then proceeded to follow us around the map circle several times for no apparent reason.
As well as this there's the blatant trolling behaviour above, and Cole posting in here when he really shouldn't be cause he didn't insult me?
I am posting here because, I'll explain once again, I watched the situation that led to the insult. As well as witnessing it in OOC. Not to mention, the following you round in the car is completely in-character, you're a Police Officer, deal with it in-character rather than trying to add yet another reason to this already-petty player report.
My comments weren't towards you, but in response to Disastrous
The Givens (Nem as a primary culprit, Forceghost and Cole assisting him), since I posted this PR, have done nothing but pursue a course of harassment and intimidation against myself and my friend all night.
First video, I was quickly away for a restroom break (needs must!) and I come back to find our car smashed by the train to the side of the track, and Jake pointing his weapon at the Givens. I learn that they pushed us into the track ahead of the oncoming train, for reasons unknown? You see them blatanly turn towards us, test push, realise they can push and then push us right into the path of the train.
Thus, I level an accusation of FailRP (pushing us infront of a train for no real reason) and Metagame (taking IC action against me for an OOC action, which was me posting this PR)
Not long after, myself and Jake got called to a panic call at the President's office. We attended, entering through the back and making our way up to the President's office, where she informs us she saw several armed men, the same ones that were making death threats against us and pushed us infront of the train (the givens). Essentially, after our reports (only three people had gun licences so we knew it was them) the President revoked their gun licences. They then stormed the town hall (unsure if they did this as civillians or as police officers with suits on, either way none of it makes sense) essentially to retaliate against the President for revoking their passes. We confront them in the lobby, and then Nem reveals to Jake he has become the police chief, ordering him to put his gun down or face demotion, as I retreat upstairs, he comes up and after holding me at gunpoint, suggesting I'm a fake cop and etc, orders me to change my vehicle to a marked crown victoria or I would be demoted (Force and Cole also changed to police I believe)
Thus, I level another accusation of FailRP and an accusation of powergame (changing jobs to take action against me for no real reason other than to make life difficult for me).
And if any of this wasn't conclusive, when me and Jake finally had enough and decided to call it a night, Nem, Force and Cole all disconnected literally seconds later, proving they had no intention of actually roleplaying out their jobs as police, as shown by the OOC relay.
Summary of offences: Failrp, Metagame, Powergame
EDIT: For clarity, the person who shot the video was
We came to the town hall because we were responding to a panic button by the president. I don’t see the issue? We also changed to police before this because we were getting bored of just driving around in a car. You can say we changed job to powergame yet you have provided no evidence to suggest anything of the sort, as well as that not actually being the reason. Also, NLR applies when you change jobs from a citizen to a government job if I recall correctly.
In regards to us leaving, we were going to leave after that situation anyway as it was getting late, it was like midnight, and the situation was over, not to mention how there was about two or three civilians on the server at the time.
(Jun 1, 2019, 01:12 AM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]We came to the town hall because we were responding to a panic button by the president. I don’t see the issue? We also changed to police before this because we were getting bored of just driving around in a car. You can say we changed job to powergame yet you have provided no evidence to suggest anything of the sort, as well as that not actually being the reason.
In regards to us leaving, we were going to leave after that situation anyway as it was getting late, it was like midnight, and the situation was over, not to mention how there was about two or three civilians on the server at the time.
I got your radio transmission about you responding, but the President said that she pressed her panic button because she saw armed men outside town hall/entering it (you see her say that in the video) - so you responded to a call that you were the subject of? Or is it that you guys were already present before the call went in?
Okay but I don't understand why Nemesis ordered me to change my car, gave me 5 minutes to change it, then he goes off before that 5 minutes even pass as soon as I go off? Surely, he was intending to stay on longer only to fuck with me?
Oh and, seeing as you seem to be speaking for all three of you, care to explain why you intentionally rammed me into the path of an oncoming train when I was quickly going to use the bathroom? I see whoever was driving (tinted windows) intentionally turn towards me, hit me a little bit, see that I move because I had no brakes on, and then (taking advantage of my lack of resistance due to being brb) ramming me into the path of the train, where I am then hit?
To be honest Cole, to me it looks like you guys have been following me all night to harass me, to intimidate me (to remove this PR?), and to bait me into breaking some sort of rule which you could then post a counter-PR against me on.
what was your reason for pushing the car onto the tracks?
I suspected an ambush, so I was attempting to clear the tracks so I could pass through, when the guy with the gun hopped out, I drove away.
I've been asked to take this case, so please consider it under investigation.
A bit of a complex case, but let's try and break it down.
As seen prior with members such as iDankCai, Zharkan and insults sent to ForceGhost before, generally singular instances of insults aren't punished, as it's not really worth the time or the effort.
A reminder that insults aren't nice, and shouldn't be done, but still.
Breach noted, not worthy of even a verbal warning if caught in-game.
OOC Comments
As shown in your own evidence, they were responding to until you inserted yourself into the conversation, and either way, a couple of light jokes / sarcasm aren't really PR worthy.
No breach noted.
The reason given as "avoiding an ambush" doesn't really make sense in this context. A vehicle not moving, with many exit routes; ramming the vehicle was not needed at all. For this, an 12 hour vehicle blacklist will be issued. Whilst this doesn't fit in normal blacklist timings, we are concerned that this seemed to be in response to a PR, rather than IC actions, hence being 3x longer than standard.
Breach noted, 12 hour vehicle blacklist.
President Situation
This seems more like a generic being a dick situation, rather than aimed at you. Whilst the disconnections are suspect, Cole is fairly accurate in what he's saying (D/C time is 11:30, 11 players with at least 6 being government.) Henry had D/C'd about 5 minutes before, Skuras just timed out and Jake left. There was a fairly rapid exodus of many players, including LikeSimon.
As I said before, whilst the situation is suspect, I'm not willing to issue punishments on suspicion.
Possible breach, no punishment issued.