May 22, 2019, 07:15 PM
Let the Games begin !
We invite you to the very first Forest Festival. With the steadily improving weather we want to enjoy the beauty of the True North National Forest in the open. Grab a snack or a nice cold drink and enjoy the tunes of M. Baker and other musicians.
Arrival and Parking:
You can reach the concert grounds via highway 18 and highway 3. A car park is established on the junction of highway 3 & Ducatel. Shuttlebuses may be provided from Buttstalion Park depending on our capacity.
Be advised:
To keep the festival grounds clean and to avoid any injury we do not permit the use/carry of any glass containers. Refreshments are available at vendors within the compound. Do not bring any weapons (including knifes). All visitors (and their luggage) will be searched upon entry to ensure overall security. Medical personal is available at the first aid tent near the main entrance.
Security (0/?)
Medical Personnel (2/3)
[L²:RP] Apollo
[L²:RP] Ben
Musicians* (1/4)
Im Called Mav Right?
Sound-Engeneer (0/2)
Merch-Shop (0/1)
Foodstand (0/2)**
All regular visitors do not need to apply. Everyone is welcome to join in !
* we already got one musician playing music via VAC. Whilst an additional VAC-capable musician weould be appreciated the other 2-3 do not actually play but instead dance and perform their instruments without them actually singing/otherwise playing actual music
** since we are running the event on the main server (to better allow others to join in as guests) we only need 1 actuall chef (the other vendor can be a citizen)
Application form for the custom roles:
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Further Information (Optional):