Reported Players: < blank > (STEAM_0:1:46499839)
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-May-08 19:29
Summary: Accused player is suspected of breaking rules 3.3 and 3.4
From further review, I am extremely concerned with your powergaming and bypassing of chat filters in this case Rhys.
You forced an RP situation to turn in your favour by abusing game mechanics to sleep and claim you were injured. You then stated (bypassing a chat filter) that he should leave a get help, fully well knowing that there was nobody else to get help from. Quite frankly, I'd be surprised if the moment he walked away, you didn't /wakeup and yeet outta there.
Whilst blank is in violation of the rules here, it was a situation fully forced by yourself, and was in an attempt of RPing the situation, and thus will only receive a verbal warning for their actions.
Closing Notes:
Reported player found in breach of RDM, in a forced situation.
Reporting player found in breach of powergaming rule: Forcing an RP situation by misusing game mechanics.
Reporting player found in breach of exploiting: Use of unrestricted commands to communicate ICly when injured.