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Full Version: MESKA - Metrics, Skills, Achievements & Fishing Overhaul
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(May 14, 2019, 09:33 PM)Jared117b Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any way to have a progress bar for the leveling or some way of knowing how much exp is needed per level.  It seems like catching 200 fish got me to level 10 but 300 more has only gotten me to level 12.  Great job on this update I am having a lot of fun with it so far, I just want to hurry up and catch something besides cod lol.

A progress bar will likely be included at some point. Only reason it wasn't included from the start is we wanted to avoid more scope creep and just get the update out already; there's a lot of QoL improvements to come.

The skill curve is exponential - it'll take longer between each level and as you progress higher you're going to have to aim for harder fish and use the best equipment if you want to level at a reasonable pace. 

What players may not have noticed is that your fishing level also buffs your catch speed - this is a logarithmic curve though and has diminishing returns the higher you get, until you start using better equipment.

I did purposefully tweak the exp/level curve to be quite hard past the initial few hours. Partly because it's easier to reduce the curve than increase it when re-balancing (less salt), but also we do want skills to be a long-term thing, not something you can expect to max in a weekend.
Fuck me, something half decent dropped. PogChamp
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