Limelight Forums

Full Version: Convertng the new money "item" back to liquid dollars.
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ID: 5ccad51cce320d4315181565

Server: Truenorth
Description: No matter how much you set the slider for when you're trying to sell the new money item back to liquid cash, it'll always only sell one dollar.
Bug observed since: 01/05/19

[Image: lmOB7gW.png]

[Image: NU1mWf4.png]

[Image: M8LSKSs.png]

Steps to Reproduce: Simply try to sell any amount of the new money items above "1" and it'll do it.
Thank you for your bug-report, Benporium!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Nothing can sell more than one at a time.
(May 2, 2019, 02:53 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing can sell more than one at a time.

So to convert it back to liquid cash, we'll have to sell it one dollar at a time?
Until it's fixed, yeah.
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to Closed