Apr 22, 2019, 06:29 PM
Reported Players: AffenPascal (STEAM_0:0:141711655) ()
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-22 16:00
Summary: I was walking down the street when I got mugged by AffenPascal, he took my $500 then started walking away without his gun out so I run after him with my gun out putting him in fear rp and then I ask for my $500 back. He then proceeds to pull out his pistol breaking fear rp so to that point I just spray him down.
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-22 16:00
Summary: I was walking down the street when I got mugged by AffenPascal, he took my $500 then started walking away without his gun out so I run after him with my gun out putting him in fear rp and then I ask for my $500 back. He then proceeds to pull out his pistol breaking fear rp so to that point I just spray him down.