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Full Version: PR -> Jockeeh88
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Reported Players: Jockeeh88 (STEAM_0:1:40360897)
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-21 12:20
Summary: I'm responding to an officers backup call, he said that he needed medical and i was on my way so i walk, he said to be on a lookout for a black Tesla and i saw the Tesla i pointed my gun at it to check if the suspect matched the descrition i couldnt see so i kept running then i get shot down and he executes me saying "dont ever try to kill us again" and keeps going on, i dont see a reson for shooting at me since as a gang member he shouldnt be driving around assassinating cops (i know that from experience with many admins)
The video just shows you getting shot, but not who by.

The driver of the Tesla first baited me into a pursuit just to step out after a minute and kill me instantly (Jockeeh88 was the one killing me). Both were heavily armed and kept baiting police into pursuits just to kill more and more police officers. There was no attempt of roleplay, just simple bait and kill.
Ah, at the very end for a split second it specifies that @"Jockeeh88" was the one who killed me, i must have cut the video short. The end is just me clicking this was not RDM as there were no staff on at the time.
So it does, apologies.

What was the original reason you were after him?
I wasn't after him, i was responding to a call an officer put out for medical assistance, also i could lend a hand if needed and the officer that was after him said it was because he murdered LEOs and attempted to murder more then drove away

User will be issued a 4 day ban for invalid reason to kill.

Thanks for the report.