Reported Players: (STEAM_0:1:164046655) (
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-16 20:34
Summary: FearRP
I was led to believe fearp is only when you are under gunpoint? I could easily run away without being hurt cus thats a melee weapon, and there was a cop arresting you at the time. And you manipulated this clip of what happened before and after, the cop was arresting you before but he timed out, I saw another cop down the road and when to him, but you clipped it soon as i went to the car so you coudnt see the cop get out.
Malicious report much because you hate me?
You were pretty clearly within striking distance there.
Quote:2.2 - You must follow the orders of the person(s) who have you under FearRP, and you may not draw a weapon on them or attack them. FearRP applies to melee weapons and tasers if you are within effective range (except if in a vehicle).
You're racking up quite the number of bans and blacklists and your under 100 hours. Take some time to read the rules please.
A 4 day suspension will be applied.