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Full Version: PR -> oLimitedEdition
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Reported Players: oLimitedEdition (STEAM_0:1:109666486) ()
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-16 12:39
Summary: Im sitting around the casino talking with some people and i hear shots fired i run out and oLimitedEdition starts to mow down Daniel G for no reason, then he killed me going on to shoot more people. He has well over 150 hours and should know that going round pumping people full of lead without reason is not allowed. (This video will be 5 minutes long to show what happened before, sound was corrupted so no audio will be heard)

I saw that guy RDM'ing 2 times + Breaking NLR.
Under review

Him and His mate were RDMing everyone for a good 10-15 minutes.

Could you explain to me the reasoning behind the 3 killings in which happened during the video. As at this moment in time I see this as an invalid reason to kill.
I don't see any valid reason for shooting the officer or the civilian, whereas me i understand as i opened fire on you.
@oLimitedEdition‍ , I don't see why you RDMd 3 people and went on to kill more people and attempted to kill me once again without reason. Mind explaining that?

User banned for a month, priors, clearly no intent to RP.