Apr 16, 2019, 02:53 PM
Reported Players: oLimitedEdition (STEAM_0:1:109666486) ()
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-16 12:39
Summary: Im sitting around the casino talking with some people and i hear shots fired i run out and oLimitedEdition starts to mow down Daniel G for no reason, then he killed me going on to shoot more people. He has well over 150 hours and should know that going round pumping people full of lead without reason is not allowed. (This video will be 5 minutes long to show what happened before, sound was corrupted so no audio will be heard)
Server: TrueNorth
Time: 2019-Apr-16 12:39
Summary: Im sitting around the casino talking with some people and i hear shots fired i run out and oLimitedEdition starts to mow down Daniel G for no reason, then he killed me going on to shoot more people. He has well over 150 hours and should know that going round pumping people full of lead without reason is not allowed. (This video will be 5 minutes long to show what happened before, sound was corrupted so no audio will be heard)