What kind of roleplays would you like to see on the new map (Truenorth?).
This goes for both sides, passive or aggressive (and anywhere in-between).
Personally I'd like to see the return of highly organized roleplays such as developed crime syndicates and large corporations.
(Please keep answers at least semi serious, pufitee.)
I'd like to see the park get put more to use in TrueNorth, I've never really seen anyone build it or use it for RPs since the map change but I may have missed it. Not sure what could be done exactly, maybe a community market or something like that with people setting up different stands and selling bits and bobs.
I'll see what I can do and work with, my prop limit, although 100 sounds a lot I gotta fill all the stands but I'll work something out for ya!

HMU with suggestions for stalls or something
(Apr 9, 2019, 12:01 PM)Da Cool Cow Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to see the park get put more to use in TrueNorth, I've never really seen anyone build it or use it for RPs since the map change but I may have missed it. Not sure what could be done exactly, maybe a community market or something like that with people setting up different stands and selling bits and bobs.
I do have a dupe for the park that I've used twice! I can always show you if you're interested? It's a little simple but it has a cemetery. Maybe we can work together on a dupe and create something nice?
I love the park as it's a great place, quite easy to access and is located in a central part of the map.
I obviously don't have much first-hand experience of RP on the new map, so I'm pretty reliant on staff members feeding me info. But would be good to hear if there are any major rules/development blocks that get in the way of good roleplay (both passive/aggressive) right now that we could fix? For new suggestions please leave those to the suggestions forum though, and bugs to bugs.
Probably a flea market. With small stands and perhaps one or two little side attractions (a funfair ride, a small stage for music or announcements etc.). That could probably become a nice little passive rp. Im quite busy till tomorrow but im happy to help out after that.
(Apr 9, 2019, 12:54 PM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ]Probably a flea market. With small stands and perhaps one or two little side attractions (a funfair ride, a small stage for music or announcements etc.). That could probably become a nice little passive rp. Im quite busy till tomorrow but im happy to help out after that.
Henry and I were talking about that as well on discord! Why don't we all sign up and combine our forces? I'm sure if it'd be a community effort everyone would have a great time!
Perhaps even learn from one another? Send me a message if you're interested, this goes out to everyone!
I'm agreed in the sense that more highly developed RP's would be nice to see. A few buildings (e.g. the little tavern-like building by the side of the EMS station) could be revamped to make something cool.
(Apr 9, 2019, 01:08 PM)Night Wrote: [ -> ]I'm agreed in the sense that more highly developed RP's would be nice to see. A few buildings (e.g. the little tavern-like building by the side of the EMS station) could be revamped to make something cool.
I agree, due to the fact there is a very large rural area I'm hoping the park department roleplay picks up. Would be nice to see user made rural infrastructure.
Back when i wasn't banned, one thing i always wish i saw more of was Aggressive RP and i don't just mean, Mugging,raiding etc.. But actually roleplay, like Gang wars,Drug trafficking,Local Drug dealers.
so if i had seen more of that, it would have been nice, If people can /me and /it in PassiveRP, why can't they do that in AggresiveRP?
I'd like to expand on my racism rp
I’d like to see a lot more Corrupt RP. Currently it is VERY limited by requesting permissions from staff, can’t kill players for a valid reason simply because of your job slot, etc. I’m not just saying this as I’m a big fan of it and have been reprimanded for it, but because it is an entire other side of Gov RP that players can’t expand on because of the limitations.
I’d also like to see generally less limitations to criminals. I shouldn’t have to memorize every rule line-for-line and record my reasonings for killing someone.
(Apr 9, 2019, 05:18 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]I’d like to see a lot more Corrupt RP. Currently it is VERY limited by requesting permissions from staff, can’t kill players for a valid reason simply because of your job slot, etc. I’m not just saying this as I’m a big fan of it and have been reprimanded for it, but because it is an entire other side of Gov RP that players can’t expand on because of the limitations.
I’d also like to see generally less limitations to criminals. I shouldn’t have to memorize every rule line-for-line and record my reasonings for killing someone.
I think for the criminal side of things it's especially hard due to shadow play becoming popular. Every move you make is examined and can be picked apart. It's impossible to always know every rule and always get it right.
There is an easy solution to this that most communities adopt.
We have Rules and Guidelines.
Things like Fearp and Failrp are rules that must be enforced no questions.
Guidelines such as shooting unarmed suspects or basing with a BMD (Believe that was removed) are guidelines. These aren’t enforced depending if the RP is built up well enough.