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Full Version: Weapons blacklist
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Your Name: skye (Carl McMahon)

Issued by: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²] Doctor Internet[/font]

Blacklist ID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]77942[/font]

Server: LimeLight [Truenorth_v1a]

Why should you be unblacklisted?: All of my actions were justified. The person who reported me was a firefighter who was going around punching people to death including me, I reported him several times but he still kept doing it, I tried leaving where he was but he seemed to follow me around and kept doing it. All my actions involving the police were also justified. I had done nothing wrong, no body had witnessed what I did apart from the firefighter who was punch whoring people to death.

Evidence: There wasn't really any evidence in the first place to convict me apart from logs. 
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, foxcocks.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
If I recall (as I don't have the details to hand), you had killed everyone as a citizen, which was why the issue with cops was more suspect. Furthermore, the report hadn't shown any damage from the fire chief to you.
Alright. If you say I didn't change job to citizen then fair enough, I was under the thought that I wasn't set as a citizen. My mistake.