Mar 9, 2019, 02:00 AM
ID: 5c830219c71be379db290917
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: TN
Map (if not default): TN
Description: When someone else is using your Weed Pots and they pick the weed they get returned a seed but so does the Pot owner.
Bug observed since: A few Weeks
Steps to Reproduce: Place Pots for someone else and watch you get the free Seeds.
Ps. This may be a feature but I couldn't see why... Also, I have managed to gain around 300+ Seeds
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: TN
Map (if not default): TN
Description: When someone else is using your Weed Pots and they pick the weed they get returned a seed but so does the Pot owner.
Bug observed since: A few Weeks
Steps to Reproduce: Place Pots for someone else and watch you get the free Seeds.
Ps. This may be a feature but I couldn't see why... Also, I have managed to gain around 300+ Seeds