Feb 28, 2019, 06:07 PM
Name: horsinator
Ban ID: 8625
Banned by: [L²:M] PilotC
Server: Limelight Truenorth City RP2
Ban Reason: Disconnect to avoid RP/arrest
Why i should be unbanned: I was banned at around 11:30 i had not been on the server for around 1 and a half hours at this point. I think i was banned for a situation that happened before i disconnected where no RP was taking place instead me and a friend where playing about OOC for a few minutes as i told him i was about to go off he pulled a gun out for an unknown reason a cop comes over tells us to chill at which point i punched this cop making light of the situation and joking about with a friend which i will admit was breaking fear RP but as i said i was planning to leave the server and was just messing about for a few minutes at which point the officer pulled a gun then shot and killed me in then disconnected. This was at 10:10 ish
Evidence: My video software was not on at the time but i do have many witnesses who will tell the same story.
Ban ID: 8625
Banned by: [L²:M] PilotC
Server: Limelight Truenorth City RP2
Ban Reason: Disconnect to avoid RP/arrest
Why i should be unbanned: I was banned at around 11:30 i had not been on the server for around 1 and a half hours at this point. I think i was banned for a situation that happened before i disconnected where no RP was taking place instead me and a friend where playing about OOC for a few minutes as i told him i was about to go off he pulled a gun out for an unknown reason a cop comes over tells us to chill at which point i punched this cop making light of the situation and joking about with a friend which i will admit was breaking fear RP but as i said i was planning to leave the server and was just messing about for a few minutes at which point the officer pulled a gun then shot and killed me in then disconnected. This was at 10:10 ish
Evidence: My video software was not on at the time but i do have many witnesses who will tell the same story.