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Full Version: Its been a good run
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Sad to see you go, was a pleasure being on the team with you. Take care!
Anyone but you :c.
you'll be missed <3
due to my inability to actually fully leave I will still be playing the server, just not as active as I would be, Im actually planning on focusing on life more than Garry's Mod...

I know im indecisive on what i want
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo joleuy
Fuck, you were the best mod out there, Soup is mean and you're not pls come back bby.
What a shame, but at least you seem to be handling it very well.

I never interacted with you that much, apart from the odd steam message tumbleweed, but you seemed like someone who cared and tried, and that's what counts.

Thank you for your service to Limelight as a Moderator, take care in any future ventures!
Sad to see you leave!
Good luck with life and take care!
Sad to see you go, but glad to hear you're sticking around a bit. Good luck on what you'll be doing and we'll see you in-game at some point again hopefully, Joley!
Sad for sure. See you around!
Gonna miss having you around Joley. Take care and i hope to see you back one day <3
thanks for all the fun times we’ve had on the server - hope you have a  good one you big noob!!
goodbye Joley, was fun playing with you and thanks for approving all me bases xx
*Sigh* Well their goes one of the best Mods... Good luck with the future joley keep in touch on steam xo
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