Your Name: Nobody ; )
Ban ID: Doesn't say
Banned by: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]@Gungranny.[/font]
Server: CityRP 2 - EvoCity Map
Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]10th Ban | NUMEROUS amounts of weapon misuse punishments | Not learning from previous punishments.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned?: Well I was like 9 When I got unbanned, and I was very like, Immature and I didn't know how to roleplay, but that was 3 years ago, I got banned for no reason, I still remember it clearly, I was playing and I suddenly just got banned, And then I've been trying to find this forum for 1 year, and I couldn't find it, and I feel like it is unfair as It didn't include any information about my ban, and I was devastated when I got banned, To be totally honest I did cry as I was very young, and that was the server I played on all the time, and I was very anti-social when I was younger, and the server helped me get friends and become social again, but once I got unbanned, ever since I've been depressed for ages, I keep trying to find out why I was banned, But It's been no luck until I found the forum, I really hope you guys can understand
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Zeuss.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
From what I see,
You were named Nobody ;) when you got banned,
You were banned for 10th Ban | NUMEROUS amounts of weapon misuse punishments | Not learning from previous punishments.
You were banned by .
If you can look it up with your steamid which is I think STEAM_0:1:162965271, you should be able to find the information.
If you can update it, it'll be easier for us to review!
(Feb 23, 2019, 05:15 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]From what I see,
You were named Nobody
when you got banned,
You were banned for 10th Ban | NUMEROUS amounts of weapon misuse punishments | Not learning from previous punishments.
You were banned by .
If you can look it up with your steamid which is I think STEAM_0:1:162965271, you should be able to find the information.
If you can update it, it'll be easier for us to review!
ok I'll try, I just really want to be able to be unbanned and play on the server again
(Feb 23, 2019, 05:15 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]From what I see,
You were named Nobody
when you got banned,
You were banned for 10th Ban | NUMEROUS amounts of weapon misuse punishments | Not learning from previous punishments.
You were banned by .
If you can look it up with your steamid which is I think STEAM_0:1:162965271, you should be able to find the information.
If you can update it, it'll be easier for us to review!
I was only 9 so I was still learning how to actually use a computer, Sorry If I broke rules mate
I don’t remmeber much from this, but I don’t really get your story. You had numerous priors in weapon misuse and you blame it on “still learning how to actually use a computer” now? Seems like you’re fishing for a reason to get unbanned.
It isn’t my decision if you get unbanned as I’m no longer staff, but it may be better for you to come up with a better reason as to why you broke the same section of rules numerous times and want to be unbanned.
(Feb 23, 2019, 05:37 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t remmeber much from this, but I don’t really get your story. You had numerous priors in weapon misuse and you blame it on “still learning how to actually use a computer” now? Seems like you’re fishing for a reason to get unbanned.
It isn’t my decision if you get unbanned as I’m no longer staff, but it may be better for you to come up with a better reason as to why you broke the same section of rules numerous times and want to be unbanned.
I was only young, I didn't know much about the server, I don't know much about the rules, I was just a kid who was a Complete minge, I'm just asking for a second chance as I've grew up and I am willing to actually Roleplay, What I actually did, But it wasn't that good
knows my stance on last chances and permanent bans.
It’s up to him or whoever wishes to conclude this.
Good luck Zeuss.
(Feb 23, 2019, 05:41 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] knows my stance on last chances and permanent bans.
It’s up to him or whoever wishes to conclude this.
Good luck Zeuss.
Thank you, Enjoy your time on whatever you are doing <3
Have you got a conclusion yet ?
(Feb 24, 2019, 02:22 PM)Zeuss Wrote: [ -> ] Have you got a conclusion yet ?
I'm gathering opinions regarding this, and will let you know as soon as I've reached a conclusion.
(Feb 24, 2019, 07:11 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb 24, 2019, 02:22 PM)Zeuss Wrote: [ -> ] Have you got a conclusion yet ?
Hello ,
I'm gathering opinions regarding this, and will let you know as soon as I've reached a conclusion.
Ok I'm just really worried that it will get denied, Also how do I check if I've donated?
Yeah, don't worry about anything such as it being denied. You'll find out once they have come out with a 100% sure conclusion and will inform you about it. You have donated since you have the ,,Membership'' rank, which tells itself already.
Have fun, just wanted to tell you how it works. Do not interrupter administrators on voice chat, discord or whatever by sending a message ,,hey is it getting accepted'' etc
User was warned for this post. "Posting without sufficient rights." - Doctor Internet
Apologies for the lack of update.
I'm still gathering opinions and will hopefully get this concluded by the end of this weekend or the start of the week.
Thank you for your patience.
(Mar 1, 2019, 01:45 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Apologies for the lack of update.
I'm still gathering opinions and will hopefully get this concluded by the end of this weekend or the start of the week.
Thank you for your patience.
Trying to hope for the best :/