Feb 11, 2019, 01:16 AM
ID: 5c60b0bb03973906ad0be34c
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Truenorth
Map (if not default): Default.
Description: If someone makes an admin call on you upon when they die and if you as the person that are being accused looses connection.
When you join back, that window pops up again which you are forced to answer to.
After that you can't leave that window and have to rejoin the server because of that, otherwise you are stuck.
Bug observed since: 2019-02-09
Images/Screenshots: /
Steps to Reproduce
Kill someone - Loose Connection - Rejoin server.
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Truenorth
Map (if not default): Default.
Description: If someone makes an admin call on you upon when they die and if you as the person that are being accused looses connection.
When you join back, that window pops up again which you are forced to answer to.
After that you can't leave that window and have to rejoin the server because of that, otherwise you are stuck.
Bug observed since: 2019-02-09
Images/Screenshots: /
Steps to Reproduce
Kill someone - Loose Connection - Rejoin server.