I was playing today and some guy walking past me suddenly turned into a ragdoll and back to normal in 5 seconds. How did he do that?
he was most likely a staff member.
The /sleep /wakeup commands do this IIRC
Or possibly could be Niterazpan where you can buy via going to the F1 menu-->Market-->Pharmicitucals
(Feb 2, 2019, 09:40 PM)Zaidplays Wrote: [ -> ]Or possibly could be Niterazpan where you can buy via going to the F1 menu-->Market-->Pharmicitucals
was using Nitrazepam. It instantly makes you ragdoll.
Any other questions?
Ngl it was Probably me. to answer your question you buy NiterazePam from the Pharmicituculs menu and then bind it to a Button and when u use it. Do "/wakeup" to wake back up

Question answered, thread closed after confirmation via steam chat.