Jan 26, 2019, 05:23 PM
Reported Players: Ace Jones (STEAM_0:0:221967197) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2019-Jan-26 14:36
Summary: The chief was being Corrupt Holding other officers at Gun Point. He then placed his gun away as I had a Gun out. At this point I then told him to stop and put his hands up. Instead as you can see he didn't and Ran off and got out a gun. therefore I shot him.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2019-Jan-26 14:36
Summary: The chief was being Corrupt Holding other officers at Gun Point. He then placed his gun away as I had a Gun out. At this point I then told him to stop and put his hands up. Instead as you can see he didn't and Ran off and got out a gun. therefore I shot him.