b]Your Name:[/b] ZaidPlays
Ban ID:8410
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. () [L²] Night
Server: Main
Ban Reason: FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: (Just got round to posting this due to Being busy with school): I think i should be Unbanned because as you see from my perspective (https://youtu.be/niJTdhikkr0) As soon as i got out the car i was already scrolling for my Gun which was at 0:08 and mainly i was focusing on the officer Infront of me i only realised Dan at 0:10 when he was in mic-range and as you can see there is a little bit of lag in his Communication but Im still able to Hear what he's trying to Say, the time difference between when i started scrolling and the time Dan finished talking was like 2 seconds which would be Extremely hard to stop and comply as i had already started scrolling before hearing his voice. What I'm trying to say is I think this is one of them Moments where its really Hard to be able to stop and comply as your caught up in the moment was wasn't an intentional Breakage of FearRP. Thank you for taking the time to review this UBR, If you have an Questions please ask.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Zaidplays.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I considered both perspectives, and believe my summary covered it very well.
Quote:You knew that the cop was able to run along the side of the car very quickly when you started running to re-establish LOS, he did that and you still ran even when you noticed him in the corner of your screen, looking at your perspective. This taken into account would mean that FearRP was violated.
Not only this, but another member of staff has also agreed with me that in-fact this is a violation.
Thank you for your Response.
So if you watch the Video very closely i did say i was concentrating on the officer infront of me and not dan and if you check the video as soon as i turned to the right at 0:09/0:10 i had already had my gun out when i Was able to Fully see dan. And as you can Imagine i never seen him straight away as i was scrolling looking for my Gun and when i pulled it out i had turned to the right and we both already had other weapons Out.
Also would like to add that dans Communication was kinda Laggy
Hello Zaid,
I was the other staff whom agreed that you were under fearRP. The reason this is being said is
because there is 2 instances where only Dan can be seen and also heard saying hands up.
I believe you most definitely seen him and if not heard him, which either way you would've known
he was armed.
(Jan 22, 2019, 06:44 AM)26\ Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Zaid,
I was the other staff whom agreed that you were under fearRP. The reason this is being said is
because there is 2 instances where only Dan can be seen and also heard saying hands up.
I believe you most definitely seen him and if not heard him, which either way you would've known
he was armed.
Hello 26',thanks for your Opinion.
Just want to say. Am i Right in saying you need an LOS, In-mic range and A weapon on someone to apply FearRP?
When i jumped out the car i only heard Dan say H-hands up (It was a little laggy) and he had a clear LOS on Someone else and as you can see i was already scrolling for my weapon at the time then when i had my weapon drawn and fully turned right to look at him we both had our weapons drawn. And i wasn't Looking at Dan before 0:10 as Im obviously gonna be looking where Im scrolling In-order to actually get my Gun out i only see Dan (Whilst he was in mic-range and had an LOS on me at 0:10 and by that time i already had my Gun drawn out.
Thank you,
Appeal denied.
You had the opportunity to realize that you shouldn't have pulled a weapon out when you realized Dan was pursuing you. You didn't take the opportunity to comply but instead to break FearRP, thus the ban and probation applied stands as issued.