Yep, here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for.
I'm finally leaving!
Not much to say here. GMod is just a bit shiiiit.
Thanks for the fun time to a few of you;
- Thank you Cpt. Mondays, MCSO was fun
- Just a good pres
- Didn't like you at first, but Plan B was great. Thanks pal
- Was fun being Detective with ya. And ofc, plan B
- One of the few staff that can be bothered with me :p Gotta play Rocket League again sometime Bambi
the other staff that could be bothered. Was an honor overreacting for you <3
Those I forget. Sorry, maybe I just didn't like you as much as you thought. Those that dislike me. Throw your hate below so I can have some Salt on mah dinner
<3 you all nontheless. Bai
Now how the fuck am i gonna keep my force in order?
Its sad to see you go, take care oot there 😥
(Jan 21, 2019, 09:52 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Now how the fuck am i gonna keep my force in order?
Its sad to see you go, take care oot there 😥
My old Cpt. Took over. Hes a bit of a nobhead and I ragequit my force in the first hour he was in charge buuuuut...
I'm sure he'll do fine
Bye mate, had a few laughs
(Jan 21, 2019, 10:11 AM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]Bye mate, had a few laughs
Who are you (is obv joke no hate lyou bae)
Well there go's the Sheriff. Im gonna miss the talks you give to other officers and them Hilarious demotions
Sad to cya go stephan. Come back sometime Jah?
Until then Farewell Sir. *Salutes*
(Jan 21, 2019, 11:01 AM)Zaidplays Wrote: [ -> ]Well there go's the Sheriff. Im gonna miss the talks you give to other officers and them Hilarious demotions 
Sad to cya go stephan. Come back sometime Jah?
Until then Farewell Sir. *Salutes*
I'd rather not.
We'll see though. Maybe if the map becomes TN I will see if I can still enjoy GMod RP
(Jan 21, 2019, 09:55 AM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 21, 2019, 09:52 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Now how the fuck am i gonna keep my force in order?
Its sad to see you go, take care oot there 😥
My old Cpt. Took over. Hes a bit of a nobhead and I ragequit my force in the first hour he was in charge buuuuut...
I'm sure he'll do fine
I didnt cause you to ragequit
OT: Was an absolute pleasure, sir. May Sheriffs Gray and Lozano live on forever. God bless you sir.