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Your Name: [L²:RP] Kimpow
Ban ID: 8324

Banned by:

[L²:M] Welker and [L²] Bambo

Rockford V2b
Ban Reason: “FearRP, Changing to AFK slot to avoid RP situation”

Why should you be unbanned?


My name is Kimpow as the name above states. Allow me to explain the situation a bit to give a clear context. Take note, this is all in my point of view. However, I will clarify the views of others, from what I understand of them.

There was a roleplay done by both Bambo, Welker and others. My character, due to in-character events was taken to the bank vault. The bank was re-instated to be a church however. They wanted to kill my character, though in a non-canon way. Therefore, easing my mind. I did explain to them, I’d rather not have my character’s unfortunate demise for the roleplay could expand into something greater!

Luckily, it did. The police force came in when my character opened the vault in an attempt to escape. The police rolled in where the current president of that time, told everyone to have no weapons. However, I believe one officer did have a weapon.

The armed officer (StephanGH), helped me in my character’s escape. Once having escaped, I received a message from Welker. He hinted towards the fact of me breaking FearRP via PM and warned me verbally not to do such again. Surprised as I was, got upset by the fact I did not know I broke FearRP.

I asked Stephan if I did and he told me, I did not. However, I got upset and both confused at the same time. Determined to calm down, I set myself to the AFK slot.

I believed this to be in the best option for the on-going roleplay for I do believe that you cannot roleplay your character well, if you cannot control yourself. I might end up breaking the fourth wall and I’d rather avoid that.

The people I talked to about the situation advised me to calm down and take a step back. I never broke a rule and never intended to do such. It made me quite upset and embarrassed I apparently broke that rule.

I’d like to note I replied to Welker, immediately showing my regret. I then went AFK, still horribly shocked by the warning. I tried to calm down by setting myself as AFK. I believe I cannot provide anyone with the proper roleplay when I myself, cannot roleplay well enough to keep up a high standard.

I fully intended to return after a while, when I calmed down and re-collected myself. Which I did, contacting Wesley when I was able to set up the RP again. I can assure you, I really meant no harm.

Upon buying the door needed for the continuation of the RP, I got pulled into an @-sit.
I’d also like to note that I stayed in the vicinity of my computer, to answer any questions anyone might have had during my brief AFK-moment. Aiding to the notion I was merely trying to calm down.

For those saying they were actively searching for my character as I was set AFK: The RP did not have to stop there. With some creativity I’m sure they could have set up look-out posts, along with creative a battle strategy.

Thus aiding the notion that setting myself as AFK had no advantage on me.  They could have improved their search party and defenses whilst I was calming down, this leading to a disadvantage on my part.

Both gave me the impression they were quite agitated they could not find my character due to being in the AFK-slot. However, why are they so certain they could have found my character anyway? It gives me the feeling they were quite agitated and enraged by not winning the roleplay scenario we created.

Roleplay is not about winning or losing. It isn’t as black and white like that. None of us won or lost anything in fact. The roleplay could have continued after my brief AFK-period, as intended. If not then, the next day. Those having come in contact with me know I am a lover for long-term roleplay stories, always aiding in creating them.

This is just a horrible misunderstanding and I’d like to clear this out straight away. This before I lose more sleep over it.
I thank you for taking the time reading this.


Verbal warning given by [L²:M] Welker:    

[23:16:44]    [L²:M] Welker    (STEAM_0:1:87447916)    said "/pm kim You should avoid breaking fear rp in future"
[23:17:06]    [L²:RP] Kimpow    (STEAM_0:0:134281296)    said "/PM Welker OOC: Were there guns pointed at me?"
[23:17:18]    [L²:M] Welker    (STEAM_0:1:87447916)    said "/r Multiple, yes. And you were told to stop"
[23:18:10]    [L²:RP] Kimpow    (STEAM_0:0:134281296)    said "/PM welker OOC: I apologise, I didn't hear due to being in a discord call. I shall take note of such in the future. Apologies for the inconvenience."

@ Provided by

Those able to vouch for me being distraught over this whole misunderstanding:

A staff member that I contacted concerning going AFK, which the person said was fine: 

[Image: czP4un8.png]
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Kimpow.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Seeing how Bambo was involved in the situation it wouldn't be fair for him to conclude, so I shall.

I can appreciate you being distraught and upset, and whilst I haven't spoken to those who can back that up I can imagine it was probably the case but I must remind you that after all, this is only a game and you don't need to get incredibly worked up over it. Welker seemed to be providing a gentle reminder to you so the RP could flow on, rather than bringing you into an @ sit and discussing it with you there which I'm sure you would agree would be disruptive to the RP.

If you felt the need to step back for a while and were aware the situation was going on, then it would have been in your best interests to ask those who are currently roleplaying with you if it's alright to go away for a while to calm down and if not, then try to calm down and continue on with the RP as best you can. In this case, you changed your RP name prior to going AFK, immediately after exiting the building (1) and then when you came back, it was a whole different thing which disrupted the flow of RP. (2)

My issues with this are the following, notice the numbers in brackets which will serve as a point of reference.

1 - This part seems extremely sketchy to me. You made it clear to Bambo & Welker that you didn't want your RP character dying, so when you managed to flee (I think, TBC Welks) it would be an obvious decision to me, if I were in your shoes, that I'm currently being pursued and until I'm certain I've got away, I shouldn't change. According to logs, you changed immediately after exiting the building which would stop any attempt that Bambo & Welker may have made to try and find you.

2 - Seeing how you changed characters, they wouldn't have been able to find you at all which would have thwarted any attempt made. Whilst yes, the RP could have been developed by handing out posters as you claim, ultimately it would have led to nowhere. The RP could have continued on Bambo & Welker's part, but to what end? You've already changed characters, it would be meaningless since they wouldn't be able to find anything. Your change of characters completely disrupted the RP, which is why the ban was issued in my eyes. There was RP being developed by both the government and Bambo & Welker, which ground to a halt because you changed characters. Nothing could have been done.

I'll leave this appeal open a little longer to hear what else you have to say, but I intend to close and conclude by the end of the day. In my opinion, the ban was justified and valid.

I appreciate you taking your time to talk about said concerns. I did change character name, though I have a simple reason for such. Lil’ Tibbs is the girl that wears the hoodie, and Kim Lawrence is her real name. 

As logs mays suggest, I took off the hoodie in a hidden spot, therefore having to change the name back to her real one instead of the alias. This to create an immersive roleplay, not giving them the clear advantage. This is my way of aiding in the immersion of said roleplay.

During the roleplay, they also saw my characters face, for her hoodie fell off whilst she tried to free herself from the restraints. This adding to the fact they are the same person and she’d be easy to be identified. 

Kim Lawrance, AKA Lil’ Tibbs, went to her apartment where she lives with her brother. After having sent the person in question an OOC PM, stating how I’d like for him to set up the dupe so I could be able to continue the roleplay. Unfortunately, before I could even close the door to the apartment, I got pulled into the @-sit. 

Should you not believe them both being the same, then feel free to look at the character thread I created for this character:

I thank you again for taking the time to read this.
Involved. I'll try to explain it from my point of view best I can. I already pmed Welker alot of these points but he claimed that she broke FearRP because she was told to stay there "before" even if they didn't have weapons (which is ridicilous)

1. She ran down the road. At which time Lozano (My 
Character) was after her. And had already basically gotten her out. All others stopped pursuing. 

Furthermore. Lozano blocked everyone in the vault and the door leading out of the bank because of "mistakes" to help her escape

At the time of Changing. The chase was off and it became a police matter for the most part. I was even pmed to bring her back. This is about when she changed.

2. She wanted to continue it. Which I know from Personal Messages and I think Wesley could add further to this. I wont say to much regarding this

3. As for the FearRP. I am 99% sure it is not true.
The President himself ordered all guns away. I saw no guns within the vault apart from myself with a lowered M4A1. I then stood infront of Kimpows character. Tibbs. To prevent any harm being able to be brought upon her. She knew I was there to protect her. So when she was able to she knew I would help her out. There was no LoS at any moment for them to even put her under FearRP (even though they didn't even have weapons)

4. As for the Character. Wesley Lawrence confirmed that her character is both Lil' Tibbs and Kim Lawrence. Seen by the fact that Wesley also calls her Tibbs when her RP Name is set as Kim.

I pmed him to make sure these 2 people were the same character. To which he again confirmed it (this because Welker had OOC issues with me saying they Kidnapped Kim Lawrence)
I assure you I did not take you into an @ sit due to being agitated, was more concerned about the rule breakage that occured.

If you need to take time away, it's important to let the owner of the RP know, and you being in the AFK slot interrupted any action did, however the other part of RP continued.

Also, want to ask ‍ how he knew Kimmy was in the Church?
(Dec 29, 2018, 03:29 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]I assure you I did not take you into an @ sit due to being agitated, was more concerned about the rule breakage that occured.

If you need to take time away, it's important to let the owner of the RP know, and you being in the AFK slot interrupted any action did, however the other part of RP continued.

Also, want to ask ‍ how he knew Kimmy was in the Church?

I didn't. Only reason I walked in was to see what was going on. Then the President walked in so I kinda just followed him.. Then someone yelled for help.
At which point Lozano raised his weapon. Said someone was a hostage. And the President told me to lower my arms with something else he said.
We were also actively looking for her because she had ignored Lozanos PMs (Text messsges) ingame. Which can be seen in me informing Stell90 of this (in character ofcourse)

It was basically a luck of events cause the President walked in.


I also told her after this entire debacle to step away from the PC. As I ofcourse knew why she went to the AFK slot and that she felt distraught. So it might slightly be my fault that the RP was halted there. However I'll let Kimmy or Wesley go deeper in on that if they wish.


As for the "yelling her to stop"

That is ABSOLUTE LIES to my knowledge coming from Welker. No one yelled her to stop. She was well out of voice range before anyone even spoke. Some yelled STOP HER. And called Lozano an idiot for closing the door on everyone. That was it. No guns pointed either, I don't know why he would make all of that up? I was next to all of them. So unless I've gone Deaf I doubt I would've missed that


I should point out that the RP did also continue even with her not there. The fact that Bambo and Welker wish to metagame the fact that she is in an AFK slot is their fault.

EDIT: The wellbeing of a person always stands over RP, a game is a game. Real Life should always stand above this. The fact that you are banning her when a Moderator in your own team, and multiple players can confirm that she was genuinly distraught and unable to continue that RP is kinda disgusting. You should be more worried if she is okay, yes it's a game and shouldn't be taken to serious but some people genuinly get upset when they feel like they did something wrong. To then sound agitated towards that person is just another level. Try to understand people rather than only worrying about your own Roleplay and view on things. In the end we are a community, we should be there for eachother. Not trying to destroy eachother.

Kimpow, if you wish to release private messages to prove your distraught. Even though these people probably won't care. You are free to do so.

EDIT ONTOP OF EDIT: Furthermore a staff member literally told her ITS ALRIGHT for her to step to the AFK Slot, we trust the staff to inform us when something is okay or not okay. When other staff then ban us for doing something which one staff claims is okay, how can we trust any of you on your word? Do we really have to step to HR every time we do something to make sure it's alright? Because it seems like that's the only way. This isn't the first time that I see multiple staff members contradicting what one another say. I've literally had a massive argument with 26 over this which again, ended up in contacting HR for clarification. So is that what we need to do? Message Overlewd and Enzyme every time we are unsure about an action we are about to take?
(Dec 29, 2018, 03:29 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]I assure you I did not take you into an @ sit due to being agitated, was more concerned about the rule breakage that occured.

If you need to take time away, it's important to let the owner of the RP know, and you being in the AFK slot interrupted any action did, however the other part of RP continued.

Personally, I did not even think about contacting the “owners” of said roleplay due to being told by a different staff member. From which I figured he had enough authority to tell me that I could go AFK. I decided to take a breather by joining the AFK-slot to calm myself. As said before, I didn’t feel able to roleplay according to high standards. Please do look at the evidence should you require it.

I returned, buying the doors of 315 Mesa Apts. #6, ready to continue the roleplay. The private messages written in game, to the person helping me set up the roleplay, prove the point I indeed had the intention to return.

My sole intention for the brief AFK moment was to re-collect myself. Never, did I intent to do something maliciously.
The FearRP situation has been dealt with as Welker gave me a verbal warning through private message. As can be seen in the evidence. I am still surprised it got added to the ban reason as well.

I believe it should have been a permanent warning for not having contacted the involved parties of the roleplay at most.


My SSA had their weapons drawn while Kimpow was in the vault.

She ran past them on her way out of the vault.
(Dec 29, 2018, 09:39 AM)Kimpow Wrote: [ -> ]Your Name: [L²:RP] Kimpow
Ban ID: 8324

Banned by:

[L²:M] Welker and [L²] Bambo

Rockford V2b
Ban Reason: “FearRP, Changing to AFK slot to avoid RP situation”

Why should you be unbanned?


My name is Kimpow as the name above states. Allow me to explain the situation a bit to give a clear context. Take note, this is all in my point of view. However, I will clarify the views of others, from what I understand of them.

There was a roleplay done by both Bambo, Welker and others. My character, due to in-character events was taken to the bank vault. The bank was re-instated to be a church however. They wanted to kill my character, though in a non-canon way. Therefore, easing my mind. I did explain to them, I’d rather not have my character’s unfortunate demise for the roleplay could expand into something greater!

You took it to LOOC to argue that you did not want us to kill you because you didn't want to die, ultimately whether or not you perma death your character is up to you, not sure why this is mentioned.

Luckily, it did. The police force came in when my character opened the vault in an attempt to escape. The police rolled in where the current president of that time, told everyone to have no weapons. However, I believe one officer did have a weapon.

The armed officer (StephanGH), helped me in my character’s escape. Once having escaped, I received a message from Welker. He hinted towards the fact of me breaking FearRP via PM and warned me verbally not to do such again. Surprised as I was, got upset by the fact I did not know I broke FearRP.

When you are ordered to do something or not to do something under gunpoint, this is Fear RP. You were ordered not to move in the vault many, many times. But you not only decided to keep moving you also decided to open the vault and run out while I had my gun on safety.


2.1 - You are considered to be under FearRP when you are in line of sight of a visibly armed person, who is within microphone range of you and is able to harm your character at that moment. You must act afraid of armed people and life-threatening situations. You must follow the orders of the person(s) who have you under FearRP, and you may not draw a weapon on them or attack them. FearRP applies to melee weapons and tasers if you are within effective range (except if in a vehicle). You may not run away from someone who has you under FearRP and is pointing a gun/taser at you, unless they specifically order you to. You are not under FearRP if you are also visibly armed. Visibly armed in the context of this rule means that you have your weapon out and in your hands, regardless of safety mode. You are not considered visibly armed when you are seated in a vehicle, regardless of whether you are holding a weapon in hand or not. If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope to detain you, FearRP still applies. Beanbag shotgun applies FearRP like a regular lethal firearm would, in all cases. 

I asked Stephan if I did and he told me, I did not. However, I got upset and both confused at the same time. Determined to calm down, I set myself to the AFK slot. Stephan was not there for the majority of the situation, so I don't see how he could judge it.

I believed this to be in the best option for the on-going roleplay for I do believe that you cannot roleplay your character well, if you cannot control yourself. I might end up breaking the fourth wall and I’d rather avoid that.

The people I talked to about the situation advised me to calm down and take a step back. I never broke a rule and never intended to do such. It made me quite upset and embarrassed I apparently broke that rule.

Except you did? You blatantly broke FearRP for self gain, like you said "RP isn't about winning or losing" why did you break FearRP to "Win" the situation. Then you decided to change into the AFK slot mid RP situation. 

I’d like to note I replied to Welker, immediately showing my regret. I then went AFK, still horribly shocked by the warning. I tried to calm down by setting myself as AFK. I believe I cannot provide anyone with the proper roleplay when I myself, cannot roleplay well enough to keep up a high standard.

I fully intended to return after a while, when I calmed down and re-collected myself. Which I did, contacting Wesley when I was able to set up the RP again. I can assure you, I really meant no harm.

Upon buying the door needed for the continuation of the RP, I got pulled into an @-sit.
I’d also like to note that I stayed in the vicinity of my computer, to answer any questions anyone might have had during my brief AFK-moment. Aiding to the notion I was merely trying to calm down.

For those saying they were actively searching for my character as I was set AFK: The RP did not have to stop there. With some creativity I’m sure they could have set up look-out posts, along with creative a battle strategy.

Thus aiding the notion that setting myself as AFK had no advantage on me.  They could have improved their search party and defenses whilst I was calming down, this leading to a disadvantage on my part.

We did create a search party, not sure why we'd have defenses though when we're simply a church. Our actions are not the problem here, please stop trying to reflect the blame. 

Both gave me the impression they were quite agitated they could not find my character due to being in the AFK-slot. However, why are they so certain they could have found my character anyway? It gives me the feeling they were quite agitated and enraged by not winning the roleplay scenario we created.

I never spoke to you until the final sit, please don't make things up to better your argument by making it an emotional decision. 

Roleplay is not about winning or losing. It isn’t as black and white like that. None of us won or lost anything in fact. The roleplay could have continued after my brief AFK-period, as intended. If not then, the next day. Those having come in contact with me know I am a lover for long-term roleplay stories, always aiding in creating them.

This is just a horrible misunderstanding and I’d like to clear this out straight away. This before I lose more sleep over it.
I thank you for taking the time reading this.


Verbal warning given by [L²:M] Welker:    

[23:16:44]    [L²:M] Welker    (STEAM_0:1:87447916)    said "/pm kim You should avoid breaking fear rp in future"
[23:17:06]    [L²:RP] Kimpow    (STEAM_0:0:134281296)    said "/PM Welker OOC: Were there guns pointed at me?"
[23:17:18]    [L²:M] Welker    (STEAM_0:1:87447916)    said "/r Multiple, yes. And you were told to stop"
[23:18:10]    [L²:RP] Kimpow    (STEAM_0:0:134281296)    said "/PM welker OOC: I apologise, I didn't hear due to being in a discord call. I shall take note of such in the future. Apologies for the inconvenience."

@ Provided by

Those able to vouch for me being distraught over this whole misunderstanding:

A staff member that I contacted concerning going AFK, which the person said was fine: 
"Is it wrong for me to change to the AFK slot during an RP situation to 'calm down" is the correct terminology, context matters. 
[Image: czP4un8.png]

Like I said in the . Regardless of your OOC reasoning, you are required to follow the rules just like everybody else and please don't misconstrued you being warned as getting away with your rules you broke, this is the case for anyone for me, if you break a rule and get warned for it, continue to break the rules. I will punish you for all the rules you have broken. 

Apologies for not responding to the entire thing, it is quite long and I'd like to get my response in ASAP. 
(Dec 29, 2018, 03:25 PM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ]3. As for the FearRP. I am 99% sure it is not true.
The President himself ordered all guns away. I saw no guns within the vault apart from myself with a lowered M4A1. I then stood infront of Kimpows character. Tibbs. To prevent any harm being able to be brought upon her. She knew I was there to protect her. So when she was able to she knew I would help her out. There was no LoS at any moment for them to even put her under FearRP (even though they didn't even have weapons)
Don't take this too bluntly but...

You realise that ForceGhost, the President, never ordered weapons to be put away, right? If I remember correctly, both Nemesis and I both had weapons out as we were SS Agents in order to protect the President. Both Nemesis and I, (and I think ‍), chased her with firearms as she was running out of the building and then us two SS Agents and the President ordered a search for her and tried to find her ourselves. Obviously, we didn't in the end as she went AFK.

Also, out of curiosity, ‍, who was the staff member who said it was fine to go AFK?
Hello My Name is Ned/Quacker,

From my pov It looks like kimmy got mixed up and she had 7 people yelling in discord and more in game with a loud sound blasting in discord to she could not hear you guys. And also  a staff member told her to stop over pms and she was very stressed out then so she needed to take a brake in afk so she went there.  
She stated that she was going back to the roll play after she cooled down. 

Also I have done the same thing by changing jobs and only got a black  list,
also this this was her first run in  with staff that she got a ban!
Quote:"You took it to LOOC to argue that you did not want us to kill you because you didn't want to die, ultimately whether or not you perma death your character is up to you, not sure why this is mentioned."

I took it to the Local Out of Character channel to avoid being killed. Not because of being scared to permanently lose my character, but to try and enhance roleplay further and see if it could play out into me being involved more in the roleplay rather than just giving me poison and just killing me off. No matter if it was canon or not, I don’t like ending a possible blooming roleplay like such.

Quote:"When you are ordered to do something or not to do something under gunpoint, this is Fear RP. You were ordered not to move in the vault many, many times. But you not only decided to keep moving you also decided to open the vault and run out while I had my gun on safety."

You warned me for such via private message. I did not realise anyone has a weapon on me and I apologised for possibly having broken the rule. 

Quote:"Stephan was not there for the majority of the situation, so I don't see how he could judge it."

Stephan is merely giving his point of view in this situation. He's not judging anything, he is giving his opinion on what happened. The FearRP violation didn't happen until the end of the situation, so I don't know why the majority has anything to do with it.

Quote:"Except you did? You blatantly broke FearRP for self gain, like you said "RP isn't about winning or losing" why did you break FearRP to "Win" the situation. Then you decided to change into the AFK slot mid RP situation."

I didn't blatantly break FearRP, at least not with malicious intent. I told you over PM why it happened, if it even happened.

Quote:"We did create a search party, not sure why we'd have defenses though when we're simply a church. Our actions are not the problem here, please stop trying to reflect the blame."

I am not trying to reflect the blame. You were not just roleplaying to be a church. There was a lot more going on inside of the church and thus, it would have been sensible to have said team and defences. Also, that was mere advise I could give you to deal with said situation better. 

Quote:"I never spoke to you until the final sit, please don't make things up to better your argument by making it an emotional decision."

I gathered by your attitude during the final @-sit and by what Bambo had been doing throughout the day that I feel like this was done with intent.

Quote:"Is it wrong for me to change to the AFK slot during an RP situation to 'calm down" is the correct terminology, context matters."

I am sure the aforementioned staff member is capable enough to understand there was a roleplay situation going on. Why would I message him if I just randomly wanted to go AFK? There wouldn't be anything prohibiting me from doing so, however, it was done during a roleplay situation. This is why I felt that it was best I'd at least inform a staff member. He was online in-game during the time too.

Quote:"Like I said in the . Regardless of your OOC reasoning, you are required to follow the rules just like everybody else and please don't misconstrued you being warned as getting away with your rules you broke, this is the case for anyone for me, if you break a rule and get warned for it, continue to break the rules. I will punish you for all the rules you have broken."

It's hard not to think you're ''getting away'' with a violation when you don't get placed into an @-sit directly of it happening and get a reminder sent through PM afterwards anyways. I believe Bambo was the one saying they wanted to just go on with the flow and drop the FearRP case and that's why I feel like it's just being used to raise my punishment from what could have been a mere warning to a 1-day suspension. Especially when you're falling back on the AFK-slot thing, which was approved by a member of staff.

(Dec 29, 2018, 07:07 PM)Cole_ Wrote: [ -> ]Also, out of curiosity, ‍, who was the staff member who said it was fine to go AFK?

Unless a supervising administrator or the regarding staff member tells me I have to give out the name, I shan’t. As this was done over steam, so I’d like to have permission from staff member too. I won’t be giving out the name.

Because of his rank in the staff team, I believed he had enough authority to tell me it was fine to take a breather and go into the slot.
I am still confused.

She received a verbal warning for the FearRP. Meaning that that was already concluded. Yet it was still added as a Ban reason.

Then after that she gets a ban reason for "AFK to avoid RP" aswell. When a Staff member told her it's okay...

Everyone learn from this. You can get punished twice for a single offense. And you get banned even if staff says it's okay. Always contact HR for anything you want to do to ensure you won't receive a ban. It's the only way you are save from the dictatorship.

Moderator S1 and S2 can't be trusted on their word. As clearly other Staff don't respect their opinion and decision enough to bother paying attention to what they say.

For real, how was this not a Permanent warning, clearly no Ill intent was used. Staff members were informed of her actions. She showed she wished to continue RP after calming down, further more a Verbal was already issued for the FearRP.

Mind Blowing

EDIT: As for you

Fair enough, I thought I heard it. He said something along the lines atleast. Must've just been directed towards me. As for the Weapons, I truly didn't see them. I was more focused on blocking Line of Sight towards Tibbs (Kim Lawrence) and help her get out somehow. I definitely didn't hear anyone yell STOP, or point their weapons however. And I was paying attention at that point.

And ofcourse, I don't take offense to what you say. I can miss things, just like you could.
(Dec 30, 2018, 01:15 AM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ]I am still confused.

She received a verbal warning for the FearRP. Meaning that that was already concluded. Yet it was still added as a Ban reason.

Then after that she gets a ban reason for "AFK to avoid RP" aswell. When a Staff member told her it's okay...

Everyone learn from this. You can get punished twice for a single offense. And you get banned even if staff says it's okay. Always contact HR for anything you want to do to ensure you won't receive a ban. It's the only way you are save from the dictatorship.

Moderator S1 and S2 can't be trusted on their word. As clearly other Staff don't respect their opinion and decision enough to bother paying attention to what they say.

For real, how was this not a Permanent warning, clearly no Ill intent was used. Staff members were informed of her actions. She showed she wished to continue RP after calming down, further more a Verbal was already issued for the FearRP.

Mind Blowing

EDIT: As for you

Fair enough, I thought I heard it. He said something along the lines atleast. Must've just been directed towards me. As for the Weapons, I truly didn't see them. I was more focused on blocking Line of Sight towards Tibbs (Kim Lawrence) and help her get out somehow. I definitely didn't hear anyone yell STOP, or point their weapons however. And I was paying attention at that point.

And ofcourse, I don't take offense to what you say. I can miss things, just like you could.

Quote:Like I said in the . Regardless of your OOC reasoning, you are required to follow the rules just like everybody else and please don't misconstrued you being warned as getting away with your rules you broke, this is the case for anyone for me, if you break a rule and get warned for it, continue to break the rules. I will punish you for all the rules you have broken. 
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