Reported Players: [L²:RP] Zxus (STEAM_0:0:82536317) (
) , Vokan (RJ) (STEAM_0:1:50892278) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Dec-09 01:05
Summary: they was body slamming random tazeing and more
Actually good sir we were testing. And we asked each other if you wanna do it since a lot of people weren't on or doesn't even care about us so... I guess people do that at midnight so I don't see the point of you reporting me. I mean go on if you want to but does it really affect you? me? server? No.
Also that was out of character as well.
You quite clearly threw him over the fence - what part of that was testing?
that was not testing they was just messing arround killing eath other and tazing eath other
Yes I get it that we were ''killing'' each other and throwing each other over the fence. But we both agreed to do that and I know that counts as body slamming and abusing taser but there was like 4 ppl on the server and all of them were basically next to us. So I guess it could affected them but no one would be stupid enough to go in to my taser as clearly I even said ''Let's test this', No one go infront of my taser'' But cmon really? I get it we broke few rules but my apologies.
I don't think you completely understand.
The rules don't have an exemption period for when it's late at night and when you want to mess around. Yes, I get it. When it's late, everyone wants to mess around, which you're free to do within the boundaries of the rules. In this case, you didn't. You involved others by doing this in public and broke rules in the process which obviously isn't a good thing. As I'm not sure about the taser part of the video, I'll let it be however I'll be issuing a 12-hour suspension for bodyslamming. You should know that isn't okay. In the future, you need to take more care regardless of what time it is, I can understand when it's late that's what you want to do, but whilst on the server, you need to follow the rules.
Vokan will be given a 1 and a half hour blacklist from Weapons and Police for misuse of police tools and FailRP.
Zxus will be given a 12-hour suspension for bodyslamming and FailRP.
Additionally, the video shows that was online. PR's should not be posted when staff are online however as I'm led to believe the situation wasn't addressed in-game, this report will be handled as normal.