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(Dec 10, 2018, 08:38 PM)Kvatch Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 10, 2018, 08:32 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 10, 2018, 08:24 PM)Kvatch Wrote: [ -> ]Nobody is gonna spend their time filling the whole form out with spam votes. Compared to the amount of time it takes to delete it, half a second, if that, spam votes aren't a huge concern. Especially when it's in a spreadsheet format. Just select the row, and hit delete if they don't seem legit. What's stopping people from putting random non-existant Steam ID's into the form? It's not like you have to sign into Steam to make an entry. It isn't worth sacrificing anonimity for the sake of spam "protection".
Well I'm going around saying "This guy voted for this person as most toxic" or anything, if anything gets leaked it's on me as the form is for my eyes only. I have already used this system to delete 2 fake votes, so I think it will work fine for this year, if I do this next year, then I'll input a better system.

It's just a bit off-putting to some people. I think there's quite a few people who wouldn't feel comfortable giving their name to their opinions on staff members and members of the community, especially when it's as blunt as "best and worst". I know I haven't voted because of the Steam ID thing.

Like I said, if I do this next year I'll input a better system, but this is the only one I can manage at this time of year currently that isn't a bugger to do.
i wrote my name instead of steamid hope is ok
Whatever floats your boat
Just filled it out and well...
Sad that Blackdog is not staff anymore, he'd been otherwise nominated to be worst staff
Why was my post deleted? It simply stated an opinion.
(Dec 12, 2018, 07:37 AM)Kahjo Wrote: [ -> ]Why was my post deleted? It simply stated an opinion.

May I direct you to the forum rules, specifically the bit about not "insulting staff/users"
Ehm? I mean in the answering link is a field that Worst staff? Someone will will get offended when he receives the award. Maybe ‍ gets offended for winning the best staff award? Man, people get offended so easily these days
(Dec 12, 2018, 12:04 PM)Kahjo Wrote: [ -> ]Ehm? I mean in the answering link is a field that Worst staff? Someone will will get offended when he receives the award. Maybe ‍ gets offended for winning the best staff award? Man, people get offended so easily these days

It's a shame that the guy hosting the Limey's is generally known for being a decent bloke, who is friendly, and doesn't go around insulting people at every opportunity. Context matters. This argument is ending here.
(Dec 13, 2018, 07:18 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 12, 2018, 12:04 PM)Kahjo Wrote: [ -> ]Ehm? I mean in the answering link is a field that Worst staff? Someone will will get offended when he receives the award. Maybe ‍ gets offended for winning the best staff award? Man, people get offended so easily these days

It's a shame that the guy hosting the Limey's is generally known for being a decent bloke, who is friendly, and doesn't go around insulting people at every opportunity. Context matters. This argument is ending here.

Decent bloke


JK Monty <3<3
(Dec 13, 2018, 07:18 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 12, 2018, 12:04 PM)Kahjo Wrote: [ -> ]Ehm? I mean in the answering link is a field that Worst staff? Someone will will get offended when he receives the award. Maybe ‍ gets offended for winning the best staff award? Man, people get offended so easily these days

It's a shame that the guy hosting the Limey's is generally known for being a decent bloke, who is friendly, and doesn't go around insulting people at every opportunity. Context matters. This argument is ending here.

(Dec 13, 2018, 09:23 AM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 13, 2018, 07:18 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 12, 2018, 12:04 PM)Kahjo Wrote: [ -> ]Ehm? I mean in the answering link is a field that Worst staff? Someone will will get offended when he receives the award. Maybe ‍ gets offended for winning the best staff award? Man, people get offended so easily these days

It's a shame that the guy hosting the Limey's is generally known for being a decent bloke, who is friendly, and doesn't go around insulting people at every opportunity. Context matters. This argument is ending here.

Decent bloke


JK Monty <3<3


……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
i will be highly disappointed if im not voted best admin and best staff member
(Dec 13, 2018, 09:08 PM)Brynn Wrote: [ -> ]i will be highly disappointed if im not voted best admin and best staff member

i will be highly disappointed if hes not voted worst admin and worst staff member
Gentlemen and ladies, the results shall be revealed tonight at 8PM on the Main Server, at an outdoor location I have yet to build.
(Dec 14, 2018, 07:18 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec 13, 2018, 09:08 PM)Brynn Wrote: [ -> ]i will be highly disappointed if im not voted best admin and best staff member

i will be highly disappointed if hes not voted worst admin and worst staff member

i will be highly disapointed if he is not voted worst dev
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