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Your Name:  Sourlemon

Ban ID:[font=Roboto, sans-serif]214[/font]

Banned by:  [L²] Daley
Server:  Rockford

Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][b][font=Roboto, sans-serif]FailRP: Endangering a fellow officers live for no reason, ruining rp for no reason, sod off mate.[/font]


Why should you be unbanned?: All I did was use a breach to help get the officer out of the box he was trapped in, as the breach does not infact cause any damage there was no danger to the officer. I saw no other way to remove him as when the keypad was touched before a bunch of manhacks appeared. I figured it would be the quickest way to get the officer out with minimal need for myself or other officers to be close by as the breach was detonated remotely.

Evidence: None
The staff-members have received your unban-request, SourLemon.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I will leave a proper reply in the weekend.
Do apologize for the delay. While I understand your point of view, you did go out of your way to ruin something that was clearly setup to involve more RP, and the remark you made afterwards made it clear to me that you did not do it with the best of intend neither, besides that fact it was made clear what would happen to the surrounding people if you did, so you did put them at risk.