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Full Version: Blacklist Appeal
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Your Name: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²:RP] Reflex[/font]

Issued by: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²:M] miss joley[/font]

Blacklist ID: 77096 -[font=Roboto, sans-serif]Powergaming - FailRP | Mugging someone for over $500[/font]


Why should you be unblacklisted?: Last time i requested this it was unblacklisted.Then issued again, i understand you would like to see my history what i have done before but i was a new player and its less than 2 month ago i am still a new player but i played +10 hours in a day and reached 598 Hours in 2 month but this blacklist was my second blacklist from what i remember didn't get any werbal warning or permanent warning to a new player with -20 hours at least change this to a permanent warning or this blacklist given because of i am mugging someone more than 500 dollar again do you think i will do this again with 598 hours ? i am sorry about spamming ubr's last time i am not gonna do it again sorry we are humans we make mistake and learn about it and don't do it again.

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, SickBennyAlex.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
As stated in my previous responce, I did initially accept it but after discussions internally we reinstated the punishment, you may have improved your understanding of the rules and most likely wont do it again.

However we keep punishments that were valid on record, so we know you've done it before, and if you were to break it again we can base the new punishment off it.

It's  a tad confusing, but the blacklist will remain on your record.
