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Full Version: Blacklist Appeal
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[font=Roboto, sans-serif]Your Name: [L²:RP] Reflex
Issued by: [/url][url=][font=Roboto, sans-serif][b][L²:M] miss joley
[/font]Blacklist ID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]76620
Server:[LimeLight Rockford_v2b Semi Serius Roleplay server]
Why should you be unblacklisted?:Cmon mugging more than 500 dollars i am %100 i am not mugging people more then 500 dollars anymore it was first and last this should be removed because effects me hard i have 6 month probationary next punishment is perma because of i have blacklists like this one.
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, SickBennyAlex.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Appeal Denied~~

Regardless whether you learned from it, whether you did it intentionally or not, we have to keep punishments like this on record. This is why you've got a probation applied, from extensive history.