Nov 20, 2018, 02:01 AM
Your Name:
Pufitee (STEAM_0:1:419558917)
Ban ID:
7394 (Aiding in another player DAing, came foward truthfully)
7242 (Mass prop push, prop klling, prop spam, unrealistic ladders, abuse of spikestrips)
7341 (Requested)
Banned by:
[L²] Nightmare ()
[L²] Termin ()
[L²] Doctor Internet ( Internet)
Limelight [Main Rockford Server]
Ban Reason:
7394 (Aiding in another player DAing, came foward truthfully)
7242 (Mass prop push, prop klling, prop spam, unrealistic ladders, abuse of spikestrips)
7341 (Requested)
Why should you be unbanned?:
I'm writing a unban request today in hope to get unbanned from the Limelight Servers.
First of all, my ban for aiding in another player in DAing.
After receiving a ban for mass mingery i decided it would be the right thing to come foward about me aiding the other player in double accounting
as obviously its the correct thing to do and will avoid confusion in the future. All i remember from the time is that i told Nightmare about when
i gave another player (that was currently banned) my account details and let them play on my account for around 30 mins untill i changed my password
and pretty much kicked him off the account. At the time i didn't know that was a violation of TOS. However now i realise that it is infact braking
the rules and i will not do it again and to minimize the chance of getting banned completely.
Secondly, mass prop minge, abuse of spikestrips.
At the time of my perm weapon blacklist i really found it hard to find some fun in limelight as it was very hard for my to find passiverp on the
server at the time so stupidly of me i took it upon myself to prop-push, prop-kill, prop-spam, spawn unrealistic structures and abused spikestrips
to a extreme extent to obviously get me banned for a long period of time which i now regret. I did this as i lost intrest in the server as my weapons
blacklist affected me to a huge extent at the time because of the lack of passsive rp. However seeing all of these exiting updates on the sever it gives
me a passion to want to play on the server again and roleplay as Limelight was the most enjoyable server ive played. To make sure something like this doesn't
happen again i will be very careful to what i will do with my props and police tools. Furthermore when i join back i will have a couple of long blacklists to
play through to ensure i won't do something like that again.
Finally, the requested ban.
As mentioned in the block of text in the second paragraph i lost intrest in Limelight leading me to a mass minge spree meaning i knew i would get a ban anyway
as it was such a terrible act of mingery and even regretted it quite a bit after. So me being the stupid person i were back then i decided to contact Doctor Internet
and ask for a ban, but a perm ban and asking him to "Never let me appeal it" which now i regret saying as it will cause complication now when i want to join the
servers back and playing. As you can see i really want to return and i would like to be excused of this ban as it was a very stupid mistake in my behalf and will
effect me alot in joining the servers again.
Thank you for reading my unban appeal.
N/A as of this time.
Pufitee (STEAM_0:1:419558917)
Ban ID:
7394 (Aiding in another player DAing, came foward truthfully)
7242 (Mass prop push, prop klling, prop spam, unrealistic ladders, abuse of spikestrips)
7341 (Requested)
Banned by:
[L²] Nightmare (
[L²] Termin (
[L²] Doctor Internet (
Limelight [Main Rockford Server]
Ban Reason:
7394 (Aiding in another player DAing, came foward truthfully)
7242 (Mass prop push, prop klling, prop spam, unrealistic ladders, abuse of spikestrips)
7341 (Requested)
Why should you be unbanned?:
I'm writing a unban request today in hope to get unbanned from the Limelight Servers.
First of all, my ban for aiding in another player in DAing.
After receiving a ban for mass mingery i decided it would be the right thing to come foward about me aiding the other player in double accounting
as obviously its the correct thing to do and will avoid confusion in the future. All i remember from the time is that i told Nightmare about when
i gave another player (that was currently banned) my account details and let them play on my account for around 30 mins untill i changed my password
and pretty much kicked him off the account. At the time i didn't know that was a violation of TOS. However now i realise that it is infact braking
the rules and i will not do it again and to minimize the chance of getting banned completely.
Secondly, mass prop minge, abuse of spikestrips.
At the time of my perm weapon blacklist i really found it hard to find some fun in limelight as it was very hard for my to find passiverp on the
server at the time so stupidly of me i took it upon myself to prop-push, prop-kill, prop-spam, spawn unrealistic structures and abused spikestrips
to a extreme extent to obviously get me banned for a long period of time which i now regret. I did this as i lost intrest in the server as my weapons
blacklist affected me to a huge extent at the time because of the lack of passsive rp. However seeing all of these exiting updates on the sever it gives
me a passion to want to play on the server again and roleplay as Limelight was the most enjoyable server ive played. To make sure something like this doesn't
happen again i will be very careful to what i will do with my props and police tools. Furthermore when i join back i will have a couple of long blacklists to
play through to ensure i won't do something like that again.
Finally, the requested ban.
As mentioned in the block of text in the second paragraph i lost intrest in Limelight leading me to a mass minge spree meaning i knew i would get a ban anyway
as it was such a terrible act of mingery and even regretted it quite a bit after. So me being the stupid person i were back then i decided to contact Doctor Internet
and ask for a ban, but a perm ban and asking him to "Never let me appeal it" which now i regret saying as it will cause complication now when i want to join the
servers back and playing. As you can see i really want to return and i would like to be excused of this ban as it was a very stupid mistake in my behalf and will
effect me alot in joining the servers again.
Thank you for reading my unban appeal.
N/A as of this time.