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Full Version: Thread Referencing
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Warning, this a small but really helpful addition!

Now you can reference threads easier just like mentioning someone in your thread.

Instead of using @ though, you use # as the prefix.

For example, #help 

This will list all the threads you see that include that phrase.

Upon selecting a thread it posts it as an ID like

# 23456‍ (Without the space of course.)

This shows up as #23456‍ upon posting.

Project helped prepare a preview;
[Image: 4a018aeb152dd573c956c3ce68aacdc5.gif]
I can see how this would be useful. Nice!
Looks good, well done bamby
OMG! You're a genius. Also great looking UI for it.
Sweet, let's test this

Hiya fellas,

Due to clashes with other stuff like DiscordID's etc, the prefix is now changed to "!"
Both @ and ! Are so broken for me all the time
weird flex but ok ‍ because skull trooper needs your #5376‍!
skull trooper needs your #5376‍  ‍ Hes in tilted towers!