Reported Players: simplex (STEAM_0:0:85262218) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Nov-17 18:30
Summary: FearRP. Drove off while under gunpoint within mic range.
u were very far away from me, not infront of me aiming the gun, also I know that the laws and rules state you're not allowed to shoot me if I'm not posing a direct threat to you, why would you shoot me from a traffic stop , right?
He had his weapon drawn and pointed at your vehicle, you could also hear the /y so to me you were under fearRP.
Dan could still cause harm where he was standing
(Nov 17, 2018, 09:02 PM)Simplex Wrote: [ -> ]u were very far away from me, not infront of me aiming the gun, also I know that the laws and rules state you're not allowed to shoot me if I'm not posing a direct threat to you, why would you shoot me from a traffic stop , right?
With your logic fearRP makes no sense.
'he has a gun but can't shoot me under the rules, so fearRP doesn't apply'
I'll be concluding this report tomorrow.
A 4 day suspension will be given.