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Full Version: Presidential Limousine Change
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Explain your suggestion, in detail: I yet still believe that the Government Limousine deserves a change. I feel the current model is lacking. I believe that a Cadillac Limo would make a better Presidential feel, and features of other DarkRP and CityRP servers. 

Some Cadilac DTS Photon-Compatible limousine models:

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented[font=Roboto, sans-serif]The Lincoln model I feel is outdated, and the model deserves a change to a better looking, more modern feel. It would be a small but aesthetic, nice addition to Presidency RP's, as I feel that updates can lack towards the Presidencies. So, I feel an Armoured Cadillac Limousine would be nice, to change the older Lincoln limousine.

Wrong section please close.
One day i'll do something right.

Will add to proper section of forums.
-support Are too alike and doesn't seem like an update that is exactly needed. The current limo seems fine to me and does the job which it needs to do.