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Full Version: Unban Request Dylann (Cardinal Wosley)
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Your Name: Dylann (Wosley)

Ban ID: 4465 / 4987 / 5843

Banned by:      

Server: Idk wat its called anymore but lets say Garrys Mod

Ban Reason: NLR 20 Previous Blacklists / DAx2

Why should you be unbanned? Hi im Dylann people may know me as Cardinal Wosley i was a player in later 2016 before my final ban
First i would like to apologize to those i may of hurt or hindered there experience in any way after my ban. Secondly i would like to say that from this experience i have matured as a individual and have learnt what it means to roleplay and why my behavior in the past was wrong and uncalled for

Ban 1 (NLR)

this was back in 2016 when i was 300 hrs i believe with limelight gaming and never really understood what roleplay meant at that time of my life at the age of 12 i was extremely immature and didnt give any time to actually understand what i was doing wrong and why it was wrong on the server for which i apologize for and ask for forgiveness from the staff team on this matter yet may not be deserved by any means this was truly a mistake on my side which i am sorry for and promise would not happen again if a unban was achieved from this thread.

Ban 2 (DA)

This happened as a result of me missing limelight and i fully understood what i was doing at the time but it just happened as a result of me missing the community and the server as a whole. during my first da venture i joined the server to roleplay as a mechanic and not do much else when the time was cut short after 4 hrs by a ban from enzyme where he explained what i was doing was wrong which i then understood and fully accepted my ban from limelight for the second time and what i assumed was going to be my last but it wasn't

Ban 3 (DA)

When this happened i actually dont know what i was thinking at the time because i knew this would harm my chance of an urban from limelight server but i didnt think twice about this and did it anyway with no motive at all i just did it and i apologize for the inconvenience i caused to the staff team for having to deal with me

Closing Notes

And after all of this from the bottom of my heart i apologize for my actions they were down right wrong and nothing warrants them it was all dont purely because i wanted to or didn't care enough about the server to actually learn about but if after all of this admins can find it in them to give me another chance on limelight gaming i would not let you down and learn how to properly conduct myself on the server

Thanks for reading and i look forward to hearing from you - Dylann
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Dylann.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I mean your last ban for DA was just over a year ago..... That's not my ban to overturn, neither is the other DA. The one I issued is still an issue however as well and therefore even if the other two decide they are happy with another chance (which with your record it leaves me fairly unwilling to) it'll likely be a one misstep and bye-bye kind of thing. I'll wait to see if anyone else wishes to revoke their ban.
We're discussing internally. Thank you for your patience.
No Need to thank me

i would like to thank you for taking my suspension appelal into consideration
Hi is there any update on this case ??
We're still discussing internally. Will get back to you soon hopefully.
Is there any update on my situation

i fully respect that your are conducting you internal talks and respect if there is no conclusion as of this point
You previously appealed bans placed by Barkles and myself, one of them for DA.
After that was denied, you apparently DA'ed again, - This is the link to the UBR.

You were already permed for the same thing and knew full well the consequences of another DA, yet you did it again. How will I know that you won't DA again if this appeal is denied? 
Thank You for Your Response Enzyme

I would like to start off by saying i did understand the consequences of my seconds DA'ing venture and understand i was completely in the wrong by doing it

I believe you can trust me because i now know how much of a terrible feeling it is to know you have caused someone a inconvenience that that they had to use there time to deal with my wrong doing. i would not da again knowing it would affect my chances of a 3rd UBR to next to 0% of acceptance and that isnt a risk i want to take.I still love limelight and the community associated with it is amazing and if it must be i rejoin the community in years to come or after the acceptance of this UBR (assuming it is accepted) is something i don't want to miss out on within my life journey
but at the end of the day it is your choice whether you choose to trust what i have said or deny me as you think i am not ready to return .

But all i wish to say is thank you for taking your time and making an effort to deal with me and my past wrong doings

Many Thanks
Dylan Simone
Sorry to sound impatient but is there any conclusion yet ?
We've been discussing internally. 

Barkles and I are currently leaning on no. You've double-accounted twice. You knew the risks. You have an extensive record that you only made worse. Had you not DAed the second time, then I'd be in support of giving you a chance but we feel that you need to wait longer. Your bans combined with your very long list of blacklists shows a big trend of disregard for the rules and the consequences of breaking them. 

I might support giving you a chance in the future, but not yet. I want you to prove that you won't DA again.

Denied because of Barkles and Enzyme voted no for a chance at this time.
I agree with Enzyme