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Full Version: Staff demotion not working as Anarchist.
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ID: 5bdc4aa87172d36793bf0b63

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford.
Map (if not default): N/A
Description: As a staff member, I can't demote myself whilst Anarchist. I used both my in-game ID and "Night" as arguments for target, and there was no one else on with Night in their name.
Bug observed since: Today.
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Steps to Reproduce: Change jobs to Anarchist, and try and demote yourself.
Thank you for your bug-report, Night!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
is this for all jobs, or just anarchist?
I only noticed with Anarchist.
What exactly happens?
No feedback at all the command just does nothing?
Exactly that, yeah.
Fixed by separating admin functionality and making new command for staff