Reported Players: Da Cool Cow (STEAM_0:1:44518183) (
) , chunkey monkey (STEAM_0:0:27065955) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Oct-30 19:43
Summary: Both obviosly on the server to minge and not to RP, cop baited by making fake calls about one and other, repeatedly broke the same laws in the same place to get our attention and minged and insulted in OOC afterwards blowing it off with "its not about you" despite the fact I was the last person he interacted with and he was obviosly annoyed about the arrest. He also continued to minge throughout breaking fear rp twice and also attempting to get me to wait to arrest him so he can get 50% jail time.
It's evident you don't like me or Chunkey and want us gone, but please put more effort into your PR for your own sake. Regardless, I will go through your allegations again.
Not on the server to minge, we were doing a cheap taxi service RP and you arrested us for whatever reason, fair enough; it's all IC. Didn't cop bait you by making fake calls about "one another". I only made a call, not Chunkey so please get your facts straight AGAIN! And it wasn't fake, regarding your 3rd provided image - as you can see there is clearly a guy kidnapping him: So yeah, that's kinda embarrassing for you I suppose, but we all make mistakes. Even though fake calls aren't against the server rules but oh well. Kinda upsetting how you just jump to immediate conclusions though just because you and I don't get along OOC. This shouldn't reflect your IC behaviour. Your first image provided doesn't really seem to prove anything. I made a funny joke saying if you didn't arrest me I'd buy premium to get a 50% off jail time. Never attempted to get you to wait either, I had no control as I was gagged and so was Chunkey and you arrested us AS SOON AS the warrant came in, as seen in your first screenshot. And god knows what the point of the second image provided is. Noone broke FearRP, please provide solid evidence of this. There was an admin on scene and no action was taken so surely this should back it up.
(Oct 30, 2018, 10:08 PM)Da Cool Cow Wrote: [ -> ]It's evident you don't like me or Chunkey and want us gone, but please put more effort into your PR for your own sake. Regardless, I will go through your allegations again.
Not on the server to minge, we were doing a cheap taxi service RP and you arrested us for whatever reason, fair enough; it's all IC. Didn't cop bait you by making fake calls about "one another". I only made a call, not Chunkey so please get your facts straight AGAIN! And it wasn't fake, regarding your 3rd provided image - as you can see there is clearly a guy kidnapping him: So yeah, that's kinda embarrassing for you I suppose, but we all make mistakes. Even though fake calls aren't against the server rules but oh well. Kinda upsetting how you just jump to immediate conclusions though just because you and I don't get along OOC. This shouldn't reflect your IC behaviour. Your first image provided doesn't really seem to prove anything. I made a funny joke saying if you didn't arrest me I'd buy premium to get a 50% off jail time. Never attempted to get you to wait either, I had no control as I was gagged and so was Chunkey and you arrested us AS SOON AS the warrant came in, as seen in your first screenshot. And god knows what the point of the second image provided is. Noone broke FearRP, please provide solid evidence of this. There was an admin on scene and no action was taken so surely this should back it up.
You break 13.5 on a daily basis
(Oct 30, 2018, 10:32 PM)Dewis Leall Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct 30, 2018, 10:08 PM)Da Cool Cow Wrote: [ -> ]- snip -
You break 13.5 on a daily basis
Dismissing all my points (just like in your other PR) AND lying in the courthouse (naughty naughty):
I don't break 13.5 because you didn't chase me nor initiate any form of firefight. You immediately chose to arrest me without coming to any real conclusion (as per) AND I don't play Limelight on a daily basis so this is a big LIE.
If staff were online, did you report this through @? If so, was there a resolution?
(Nov 6, 2018, 03:17 PM)Night Wrote: [ -> ]If staff were online, did you report this through @? If so, was there a resolution?
No because this happened over a bit.
Right, but if staff are on you should always resort to an @ call in the first instance, rather than a PR unless advised to do so. Speaking to Doctor Internet, I've learnt that this wasn't the case. Keep this in mind for the future.
None of what you mentioned is equivalent to that of OOC disrespect. A lot of it I'm assuming is unrelated. Since Doc didn't act on it and saw it by responding, there's no need for me to do anything more.
If you guys have something against each other, I would suggest putting it aside or not interacting with one another - or when forced to, at least behave in a way which is reasonable to each other.