Oct 29, 2018, 01:36 AM
Reported Players: meerkateve (STEAM_0:0:104940727)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Oct-28 23:32
Summary: meerkat has 500 hours and was avoiding doing his job and failed to respond to multiple players msgs when asking for repairs. When you join the job it clearly states you need to do the job or it can damage the server and they ignored this. Instead he decided to drive around crashing into people and fixing his own ferrari. This meant I could RP out as highway patrol as I cant chase people in a car with 21hp. *Edit: After about 30 minutes of failing to respond to anyone he switched back to citizen*
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Oct-28 23:32
Summary: meerkat has 500 hours and was avoiding doing his job and failed to respond to multiple players msgs when asking for repairs. When you join the job it clearly states you need to do the job or it can damage the server and they ignored this. Instead he decided to drive around crashing into people and fixing his own ferrari. This meant I could RP out as highway patrol as I cant chase people in a car with 21hp. *Edit: After about 30 minutes of failing to respond to anyone he switched back to citizen*