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Full Version: Sledge Race And Gala
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[Image: UKq9ujh.jpg]

A Sledge race to celebrate the forth coming of winter.
As you all know days grow shorter and colder which is a tell tale sign winter is coming! 
To welcome this change I intend to hold a series of races on sledges down the us64 hill! 
We will have 5 races (In 2 rounds (2x5)) with 4 positions in the first, 3 in the second, 2 in the third and the last one is a free for all where all citizens are invited to sledge with each other for 20 minutes (using propper sledges). The winner is the one from top to bottom quickest.
Each person entering the race pays a $250 fee and the winner of each of the two rounds earns the total of entries in that round! We will need 1 paramedic and two security guards. There will be a food stall that can be rented and positions for an audience to sit and watch.

Application for Security Guard:
Steam ID:
Steam Name:
Recent Bans:

Application to rent food stall:
Steam Name:
Steam ID:

Application for Paramedic:
Steam Name:
Steam ID:

Welker has offered to oversee the event.

Hosted on GMT+1 (10th Nov) 2:30-4pm

John Jong

Chef Stall:


 Somali Drug Lord
Sign me up boss!
Can I race?? This sounds fun!
Sign me up for the stall Smile

Application to rent food stall:
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Scare-o-Fr!et.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79363684
Application for Paramedic:
Steam Name: Somali Drug Lord
Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:120044423
Hours: 602