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Full Version: Welker to Trial Moderator
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( . _ .)
I don't believe I've had many interactions with you, so I'm not 100% sure exactly who you are.

Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck and hope that what I said above can change soon Smile
It's finally time that these young people respect the elderly XD

Now Welker, just know that you can't be hard of hearing and no more shooting aliens that you think are elephants...

Also, congratulations, it's well deserved.
God damn communists, I AM A SENIOR CITIZEN.

God help us all.
I saw your Teacher App but nahhhh fuck that straight to moderator!!

Congrats bud, well deserved!

I want every sit by him to be done in the Cornelius voice else I support demotion
Welcome to the team Welker,

Well deserved
Nicely going, Welker. See you at S1 soon. Smile
Congratulations Big Grin
I thought you must be under 60 to become a Tmod. Well deserved m8
Jesus christ
why am i always late to the party?

Congrats , welcome to the team!
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