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Reported Players: Simon Barlow (STEAM_0:0:59925181) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Oct-19 23:00
Summary: FailRP + 12.1 violation

Joining a raid against the president with weapons as an Anarchist, you're supposed to do small crimes. You're not supposed to go up, kill SSA and execute president in the courtroom.
Quote:13.6 – The anarchists’ primary focus is petty crime (vandalism, muggings, etc.). More serious crime should be a rare occurrence and happen due to very solid RP reasons and a with a well thought out background. 

A dictator raid is a rare occurrence and I'd deem it as a solid RP reason.
(Oct 20, 2018, 03:09 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:13.6 – The anarchists’ primary focus is petty crime (vandalism, muggings, etc.). More serious crime should be a rare occurrence and happen due to very solid RP reasons and a with a well thought out background. 

A dictator raid is a rare occurrence and I'd deem it as a solid RP reason.

What makes you think that there was a very solid RP reason? My law 3 did not affect the raiding Anarchist, but the PD. Since when do Anarchists fight for the PD and their desires? Also, I do not see how I am a dictator.
 He also joined in the execution of me in the courtroom.
Will await further evidence of the tie in of the President's actions resulting in the matter.

Also, will await the response of the reported.
Also mind stating the context of the discord conversation that you were having while tied up?
(Oct 20, 2018, 02:18 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Will await further evidence of the tie in of the President's actions resulting in the matter.

Also, will await the response of the reported.

Do you need further evidence from me? I don't understand how my laws impacted the Anarchist which made him execute me. The law only impacted Law Enforcement (PD), since when do Anarchists fight for PD's desires?
From what I've seen, there was no reason for a dictator raid.

I'll give a day to .
Simon Barlow will receive a 5h Weapons blacklist for Raiding without a background reason.

The law that caused the protest linked to the raid is a PD protest and not a Dictator law and would not give a reason for Anarchist to raid and kill the president.
