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It's been a good few years but I think it's time for me to say goodbye!

Wish you all the best of luck! Keep treating the good folks here dedicating their time well.

See you all on the other side.
='( feelsbadman
See ya later Force.
comb yer beard fer me

take care old fella
Goodbye force.
Wish you the best of luck from here on.

Have a good one dude.
Cya dude, have fun.
Can't say we always saw eye to eye.

But goodluck in the future nontheless Force
May the Force(Ghost) be with you. Goodbye man.
Cya man, guess the Rigatollis will absorb the Givens
(Oct 16, 2018, 10:09 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]Cya man, guess the Rigatollis will absorb the Givens

Haha not in a million years.

OT: Goodbye my bearded friend, maybe I'll join you sometime soon.. or maybe not. We'll see.
Ah, sad to see you leaving. I'll miss those town-hall raids Sad

Best of luck in the future. I hope you'll return soon.

german top tiers need buffs xoxo @wg
We’ve known eachother since 2011, for some reason we still walk into each other on differend communities every now and then hah.

Take care Force!
Good luck and good bye.
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