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Your Name: 
Ban ID:6426

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. ()
[L²] Nacreas

Server: Rockford

Ban Reason:[font=Whitney,]Double accounting[/font]

Why should you be unbanned?: 
I believe it was unfair and unjust to be banned. I am sort've doing this to clear both of our names and his ban ID is (6428) if you where wondering. I was banned as both me and my brother play the server, my brother was on a ban when i started to play the server then got unbanned through an appeal, after this me and my brother where both banned again? His appeal was for a Perma ban and i believe that Nacreas was just doing his job but we arent double accounting we are two different people.
[font=Whitney,]  (my brothers unban request)[/font]
[font=Whitney,][font=Whitney,]  (my brothers ban record)[/font][/font]
[font=Whitney,][font=Whitney,][font=Whitney,]  (my ban record)[/font][/font][/font]

[font=Whitney,][font=Whitney,][font=Whitney,]Thanks alot[/font][/font][/font]
The staff-members have received your unban-request, colehamilton.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Hello Cole,

I left the other appeal open for over a month and the account who you claim to be your brother did not respond to the questions posed and left the appeal unanswered completely. Please explain why the appeal was unanswered.
My brother is in a game and he is going to do it after it we were arguing and he did not want to answer the question for me, but he will reply today 
My brother can not find the message u texted him please send another one
The unban request that was left unaswered:
It wont let him type to u because it says u have reached your limits.
(Oct 13, 2018, 02:51 PM)colehamilton Wrote: [ -> ]It wont let him type to u because it says u have reached your limits.

He can post on this thread.
Yes, he is my brother, sorry for the confusion.
Sorry for the impatience but is there any updates.
I don't really know if its my place to say but i know both of these people personally, in real life. I can vouch that they are two separate people. I really hope this helps with the appeal coz they are brothers. 

Apologies for the delayed response, I've been quite busy recently.

Ban ID 6426 was actually issued for multiple accounting as opposed to double accounting.

Please list all Steam accounts used on Limelight by either yourself or your brother with their SteamID's. Cheers.
These are my brothers accounts he could remember of the top of his head and I have only ever had one account.

Is there anything else you wish to add to your case? Anything you can provide to prove your innocence?
No thank you I have put all the information forward.

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