Hello, while this could be seen as a small update, I believe it'll help people improve upon their characters.
In the UserCP where you can set your motto, background etc. you can now fill in your character information.
Putting a character name opens a new tab on your profile.
And the section with information filled looks like this;
It'll be improved upon in the future, and any feedback is appreciated!
We'll also be working on providing pre-made Profile Pictures for you to use.
I love it, a good step in encouraging character roleplay/development
Looks absolutely brilliant and a great way to encourage character development and to get people to actually think about their characters!
Certainly though, I think there should be more than one slot for roleplay characters as quite a lot of us have more than one character.
Will look into implementation of multiple characters down the line, but that also means moving the editing process out of UserCP to avoid it getting cluttered or maybe another method. Will definitely look into it, but for now it should be a place for your main character.
Looks amazing! Well done bb.
(Sep 30, 2018, 01:09 AM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]Certainly though, I think there should be more than one slot for roleplay characters as quite a lot of us have more than one character.
m u l t i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r
Looks good though, I'll be updating my info one of these days too.

You are one sexy MOTHERFUCKER